Identify [solved] Angel and demon 3D simulation


New Member
Jan 10, 2022
Hi everyone!!?

As the title suggests I was looking for a game that I couldn't finish back then. Before you said "Betrayed" or "angel, devil, elf and me" it's not those two.

Iirc, we(the male MC) wake up with no memories, but we have a blond angel that said she was our partner. The game involved where the two factions, angel and devil, trying to recruit us to their side.

We can explore the areas in the game to find stuff. The most noticeable thing is in the game is that the art as well as the character designs is very stunning and beautiful. (Also all female char has massive badonkers)

I'm looking forward to play it again, so if you could help me identify this game, thank you very much.

update: After painstakingly checking each page of f95zone for 50 minutes, I finally found it... It's Bizzare Holy Land
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