[R>Artist 2D] Paid Looking for a logo designer

Black Star Games

Game Developer
Mar 19, 2022
- 30 Year Old Virgin -

- Black Star Games

Looking for:
- A logo designer (or at least a point in the right direction)

Employment Type:
- Paid

Work commitment:
- A logo or two

Preferred method of contact:
- My F95 profile or Discord - Kon#4389 (add me anytime)

Job Description:
- Make the main logo for my game (maybe two for my Black Star Games intro but that will have a bit of a different theme).

Additional comments:
- Looking to add the name of my game (30 Year Old Virgin) as a logo over the banner and main splash screen. e13cf834-93da-4805-9a69-7bdd7db4df8f-1240x0_0x2_1919x360.png
I have some ideas but not against hearing other opinions/thoughts about it as well. I'm not 100% certain exactly what I want.
I pulled some ideas from deviant art (I tried messaging the creators but I guess that site is dead). Some ideas along the line of
logo 3.PNG logo 1.PNG logo 2.PNG .

I am not looking for a text font typed out with some modifiers added to it. I like the bubbly or happy looking logo with some wizard like icons or accents, if that makes sense.
I am paying with real money but dunno about any pricing as I am not too familiar with asking for commissions.
Hit me up any time and feel free to ask any questions. Can ask here on F95 but that might take a few days to respond or on Discord which I usually respond pretty quickly.