
Nov 13, 2018
In general - it should happen somewhere around 45th day of the game (and then every 60 days in a loop). You can also change the year length to 30 in the settings, so that that halloween would happen around 22nd day (and then every 30 days in a loop).
I will release a new update tomorrow that will also make "Hallloween" NOT necessary to finish "The Invitation".
tank you :)


Game Developer
Apr 19, 2020
v. 0.3.61 Disjointed hot mess
As promised, here's a second part of the update from couple days ago. This time it's mainly confessional content, but I also added some changes and bugfixes.

The changes in the quests are focused on making the game more streamlined. I noticed that for example times required for player to wait between the quests for Kelly were way too long, so I shortened them down drastically. Some others had the same problem, so I tried to clean it up. Let me know what you think.

Third part of this update, with new quest for Rose, is still not ready, but it's getting there. Hopefully should be done in couple days, so I aim to release it next weekend. I'll let you know if there are any delays.

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1. Four new ladies for confess activity
You can access them if you find a priest robe and go to the confessional in the church on the weekend.
2. Fixed a big VIP room bug
So it turns out that after The Invitation quest was over, when players came back to the VIP room next day or week - it was empty. This will be now fixed.
3. Fixed a missing orgy mask
After buying orgy mask, it went missing for some players. Now it should reappear in the equipment. If you still don't see your orgy mask or you didn't get it - let me know.
4. The Outskirts area now accessible from the start
The Outskirts area will now be visible from the start of the game, but players still needs to finish "Halloween" quest to discover The Cemetery and The Jason's House.
5. Changed the number of days needed to start The Invitation quest
To start this quest - the in-game day needs to be 15 or later.
6. Moved Halloween and XXXmas
Before - the Halloween quest would happen around 45th day of the year (unless you've changed the length of the game year in settings). Now - the quest will happen at a day 13th (it was named "Halloween the 13th" for a reason).
Same as with Halloween - XXXmas was moved a bit and will now always happen after half of days in a year have passed (with default year length - it's the 30th day of the year).

Other changes
7. Changed the day to start Hoes be Sleazy quest
To start "Hoes be Sleazy" the day has has to be 15th or later.
8. Changed the day to start Daphne's secrets quest
Before the quest started after the day 20th, now I've changed it to 15th, so the quest might start earlier.
9. Changed the day to start What goes around, cums around quest
There was no limit, now the day needs to be 15.
10. Changed the delay before Twisted Sister quest
So before the way it worked that player needed to visit the church, then wait 15 days, and then Kelly appeared. Now I changed this time to 5 days.
11. Changed the delay before Higher powers quest
So before player needed to wait 10 days after "Twisted Sister" was finished for this quest to trigger. I've changed it to 5 days.
12. Changed the delay before Exorcisms of the burger lady quest
So before player needed to wait 15 days after "Mucho Grande" was finished for this quest to trigger. I've changed it to 10 days.
13. New features for testing quests
This doesn't concern players, but I added a new feature for speeding up testing of quests - hopefully it won't break anything.
14. A huge clean up in the media library
This doesn't concern players, but I went through and sorted all the media files in my library, to simplify looking for content for new quests and events.
15. Some further visual updates
Adjusted hover colors for some buttons etc..
16. Some smaller rewrites here and there

Bug fixes
17. Fixed an error with The Invitation quest
Fixed a problem with players not being able to proceed "The Invitation" quest until they finished "Halloween the 13th" quest.
18. Fixed a problem with one of confess NPCs
Fixed a problem with wrong data for one of the church NPCs for confess activity.
19. Some other fixes here and there
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