Fix for 0xc000007b error Unreal games


New Member
Sep 30, 2017
I found a easy fix for a game error I was getting and wanted to share to hopfully save someone some time. On almost all Unreal engine games I would get this error.

"Application Error. The application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b)."

I tried litterally everthing short of a fresh windows install, gave up several times and tried again. Yes I reinstalled directx and microsoft NET framework, several times. Updated drivers and windows, nothing worked. This went on for a few months. I never did figure out the root cause of my issue. I assume its some corrupt dll in windows somewhere but I don't have the skill set to do anymore troubleshooting.

Then I came across this youtube video from 8 years ago. The dude explains and gives a link containing a archive of dll files. Just unpack those into the same folder as the problem game .exe file. And start the game as normal. It fixed every 0x000007b error I had so far.

I know it is more of a work-around, since I still have a screwed up file somewhere. But its easy enough to just keep the dll archive and unpack it into a game folder as needed. Takes all of 2 minutes and is Soooo much easier than dicking around troubleshooting windows.
Here are the links, hope it helps.

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