HTML - Girl by Accident [v0.5.9] [JellyStone]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game delivers an experience that can generously be considered frustrating, if not outright disrespectful of your time.

    The game is a generic HTML sandbox, but with almost zero quality of life features that the developer would reasonably implement if they were fforced to play their own creation. There's no reason why you have to waste two dozen clicks per day of routine shit that the game requires you to do as part of your daily schedule. Just let people automate brushing their teeth and showering, for the love of everyone's carpal tunnel.

    The visuals are average in that they manage to be completely unmemorable. Quality of gifs is average at best, and most of them don't fit. They don't even make any significant effort to ensure continuity even within scenes, much less scene-to-scene. Hell, half the stolen gifs do not match what the text is describing. The game also depicts an AI generated model who bears no resemblance to any of the media they actually use for the lewd scenes.

    The story is generic and uninspired. You play an MC that randomly wakes up as a woman. Just like way-too-many games in the adult genre, a female protagonist here means you absolutely need to be corrupted into a cock-loving slut without an ounce of player agency, because everybody knows as long as you're a woman, you can't think for yourself and your only concern should be stuffing as many cocks as you can into your holes, right?

    Even accepting the loose porn premise, it's so poorly executed. There's no subtlety or nuance. There's no story that keeps you on edge. It's wake up as a girl and immediately be taught (forced) to give blowjobs, eventually being drip-fed into lewder and lewder sexual acts, except you need to randomly wander around the city, change your outfit, and put on make up 48 times before the game decides you can finally progress.

    It's really hard to find anything redeeming about the game. It delivers average visuals to go along with a hackneyed concept and cliche, inelegant writing and a horrible gameplay loop. Worse still, the developer actually reads these reviews, only likes the ones that praise his game, and goes on and adds more of the pointless grind to keep people playing the shallow existing content a little longer.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Amalie Skoedt

    I am honestly surprised at how much content there is here. This is amazing! Job well done!
    It is clear that you have spend quite a bit of time finding the right images that fits and it has really paid off.
  3. 1.00 star(s)



    Another generic HTML game that follows the same "grind in lieu of content" formula:

    Hundreds of clicks to repeat the same actions every single in game day, watching the same random stolen porn pictures of different actresses.

    The "plot" is that you wake up in a hospital and were turned into a woman, so obviously your only choice is to start sucking everybody's cock, because reasons.

    Most areas are devoid of content, and the little that they feature consists of one or two different descriptions, where the second one is usually locked behind a hundred clicks of grind.

    Talking about clicks, the game is full of completely pointless links.
    As an example, it forces you to shower before bed, and instead of automatically doing it, or having a "shower and sleep" option, you need to click 4 or 5 times in order to be able to sleep once you're at your bed.

    The adult content is as mediocre: generic porn that doesn't make you feel a thing, because there's no rhyme nor reason for it.

    It features a "corruption" mechanic, but as it often happens in games of this kind, that term is used as a random buzzword. To get an idea, this game gives you corruption by piking up money from the ground.

    Once you do it a hundred times, you may finally unlock the "anal sex" option, which results in gifs of a blowjob, because reasons.

    Nothing to see here.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    According to me, this definitelly deserve better rating.
    There gameplayis quite "sandbox", it is definitely equal to games of this genre, and there are lot of thing to do, even different story line to take. And if developer will invest even more time into this game, it has a potential to be really great game.
    What I like about this game are difinitelly visuals.
    The wardrobe system is really well done (similar to GirlLife or About It), and actually motivate you to buy new clothes.
    And what is also great is the fact thaz despite its name, it didnt push you the "transformation kink" (which is really not much my thing). It is just something which was mentioned at the beginnig and then you can ignore it (although if there will be "female start" option at the start menu,I would very much prefere that)

    Anyway great work JellyStone!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The content itself ain't that bad, it can be mediocre or good depends on the direction of the story.

    The bad part about it was the excessive menu and grinding. Each action only increased corruption by 1 and you literally need 20-50 corruption to advance to next stage.

    Even if you progress to sex, it still 1 corruption point per action. This game would have easily get 3 or 4 out of 5 if not for the overkill grind. We already have so much HTML game that basically gave player carpal tunnel syndrome, definitely doesn't need another one.

    This amount of grinding is as bad as Candy Legacy. It makes me wonder if they even test their game before releasing it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely captivated by the storyline and stunning visuals! The narrative kept me engaged throughout, and the assets were simply breathtaking. Can't wait to see more from this talented team. Keep up the fantastic work!
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Yet another HTML game maker that believes lots of busywork = content. Every action requires at least 3 menus to go through, every """"story"""" step progress requires days of grinding, lots of superfluous options that serve no use in the game itself.
    The plot is basic and bare bones, a standard boring slut maker, a dime a dozen on this site already. The transformation is done so quickly that it has no point even being mentioned.
    Requires a total rework to be worth any time.
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    It might garner some attention at the very start with slightly higher "production value" for an HTML game, but very soon many flaws begin to show.

    Protagonist wakes in a hospital as a girl that apparently everyone want to turn into a slut.

    You're railroaded into following a schedule, and first therapy session after waking up you have a sexy female therapist trying to teach you how to suck cock.
    Cliches don't stop there, there's a pervy doctor and a handsy personal trainer who have no personalities other than attempting to pervert MC into a cock and pussy loving slut.

    There are a few random encounters where you get startled by a naked guy in the communal shower with the "choice" of fuck him or not.

    There's no buildup to sex scenes, and the scenes themselves are not hot at all. There's no connection to the main character, let alone supporting characters.

    GIFs are of good quality and that's the only positive I think of, but I don't think anyone needs help finding high quality porn GIFs in 2024.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    review is for v0.4.7
    The games starts out great, but gets really repetitive and grindy once you get to the open world part. I strongly suggest adding additional characters to help break up this monotony, or add some events that can happen in other locations to make them relevant. There are some scripted events that take place outside the house, but other than that, you have all these locations and nothing to do in them.
    I'm honestly not sure what the stats do, or if they mean anything besides getting 40 corruption to start the family events, or 50 Fem to start using makeup. Maybe it's just because mine were always above the threshold for what I was doing, but they didn't appear to do anything.
    Money is also irrelevant right now. I was able to buy everything I wanted within a week of the open world starting.
    For those that don't want the game play spoiled, skip the next paragraph. The player will do this exact sequence everyday since it will increase all the family members equally. Wake up -> Shower (mom corruption, bro or dad scene when they unlock) -> work 2x -> Back yard (dad corruption) -> Video games (bro corruption) -> watch porn or yoga (alternate everyday until the Mom's TV event unlocks, then do that everyday). Sure you can change thins up every once in a while to see a different scene, but they are all the same so you would only need to do that once, and then go back to usual rotation.
    I wouldn't consider this unplayable, or even bad really, but it take too long to get to the payoff. On that note, the pacing feels really weird. In the first part you are sucking and fucking every doctor by the end of the week, but then you pretty much start over. I get it from a relationship aspect, you aren't just going to immediately drop down and suck your bro's dick, but why are there no random events with strangers or at locations? It probably has something to do with the pink pills you were being fed, but it feels bad from a gameplay perspective.