Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
Did you just call me Retarded ?! :mad: Dude, not cool.:mad:

Joke, aside. I don't know. Surely he not gonna show them Fucking , and being intimate, not just because , nobody wants to see that, but it would be waste of time, waste of Precious Development time.

But, Josy and Maya is technically an example of this. There is that girl Micha, who look like is gonna be Rusty's girl. although we can only chat with Micha. so may be not. But Rio, Camy. , Lily, Envy, they'll probably have things with others.

And who know what he has planned for Bella?! Burke really wanna bang her , and She kept her ring , so who know what is her story gonna be, and Sage as I said, say , she said she not gonna wait for MC.

And even in Action Lesson, your best friend ended up with one of the girl, if I know right?!. So I'm not really sure if he so afraid of this. or may be in these Branching style, you won't even see the other girls, unless it's necessary, like in episode 4, when I don't see Bella at all during the episode?! :unsure:
Waste of time? Let me just mention D&G as well as Iterludes. When did this dev NOT waste time that should have been devoted to the story?


Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
Jacob is too chill for Jill. Jill wants to hear all the coll things you've done during the day like cure and play two guitars with both your dad and your mom's favorite songs at the same time in perfect 4/4.

The time you tell her you visited sick friends and made people's day better just by listening and helping figure shit out themselves without you yelling them what to think is the day she drops you like a bad habit.

Only by becoming a chrononecromancer by practicing that shit everyday 18/24 can you actually fulfill her actual dreams of reversing time and getting her sister back.
Can you imagine that she is a controlling person?, dresses the MC as she wants, chooses his friends...


Dec 3, 2018
Marriage isn't only problem in Bella path there's a list of them actually
1.Bella doesn't like the party lifestyle of diks
2.She is way older than mc
3.she's a teacher
4.both the mc and bella personalities are complete opposite
All these things can go on to make bella path more interesting . Even more interesting would be how DPC goes on the future of bella will it go along the same line as Jill and sage where there's only a faithful route available or will it remain as a type of fling where they are practically together but aren't really official.
Well the MC's personality is changing because of Bella, and the opposite is true as well. She's making him more mature and responsible and he's getting her to come more out of her shell than she was.

Age, irl there are actually couples with this kind of age difference, and some make it work, some don't, but that's like any relationship. And as far as Bella's job, they've already have several pictures on their social media accounts that probably would get the Professor in trouble. Snapping pics of Bella in her bikini, the 2 of them making breakfast in their underwear, etc.

Of course it wouldn't be easy, but I feel like the conversation at the pool was acknowledging those hurdles and excepting them?


New Member
Jun 8, 2020
Well the MC's personality is changing because of Bella, and the opposite is true as well. She's making him more mature and responsible and he's getting her to come more out of her shell than she was.

Age, irl there are actually couples with this kind of age difference, and some make it work, some don't, but that's like any relationship. And as far as Bella's job, they've already have several pictures on their social media accounts that probably would get the Professor in trouble. Snapping pics of Bella in her bikini, the 2 of them making breakfast in their underwear, etc.

Of course it wouldn't be easy, but I feel like the conversation at the pool was acknowledging those hurdles and excepting them?
Yea she's seem to be in an impulsive relation with MC, they both don't have the same chemistry

kinda like Quinn, but With Quinn its more like a Covert Relation. would be interesting to see if there's a Path for Quinn and MC


Active Member
Oct 30, 2019
Can you imagine that she is a controlling person?, dresses the MC as she wants, chooses his friends...
View attachment 1618397
She's not controlling at all, but she is the rote wikipedia entry of the Stray Cat/Broken Bird trope. She doesn't want to choose your friends, but you need to pick only the best (by her definition, which you psychically need to figure out), she's not going to tell you what career to pick, but it better be the best (same criteria) and when it comes to interaction with her, it's going to be on her terms all the time, 24/7 whether she realizes she's doing it or not.

and yeah control is a factor in that something horrendous happened to her beyond her control, and thereafter she made getting absolute control of her life pretty much priority 1.

She's not an asshole but she is the MG that literally will drop you after ANY circumstance where what you do is a sum negative to her point of view, and there is no road to redemption or making mistakes.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
She's not controlling at all, but she is the rote wikipedia entry of the Stray Cat/Broken Bird trope. She doesn't want to choose your friends, but you need to pick only the best (by her definition, which you psychically need to figure out), she's not going to tell you what career to pick, but it better be the best (same criteria) and when it comes to interaction with her, it's going to be on her terms all the time, 24/7 whether she realizes she's doing it or not.

and yeah control is a factor in that something horrendous happened to her beyond her control, and thereafter she made getting absolute control of her life pretty much priority 1.

She's not an asshole but she is the MG that literally will drop you after ANY circumstance where what you do is a sum negative to her point of view, and there is no road to redemption or making mistakes.
I needed to go back three post to know that you were talking about Jill.

Is difficult to think about her in that way, couse her path untill now was the oposite. Jill is constantly fighting for not being controlled. Their parents, Tybalt, even Bella. Her strugle is a strugle for freedom, I think even the song DPC uses for her talks about that.
Yet it's true that one thing doesn't mean the other will not happened, sometimes excecively controlled people learn to control. Personally I don't see her that way. And I defenetely don't think it's going to go that way . I think her path will have a happy ending and everyone will be free to imagine watever sheet they like.


Sep 22, 2018
Waste of time? Let me just mention D&G as well as Iterludes. When did this dev NOT waste time that should have been devoted to the story?
Well, everything what he did (maybe except the mini-games) is related to the main story (included the interlude).


Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
I needed to go back three post to know that you were talking about Jill.

Is difficult to think about her in that way, couse her path untill now was the oposite. Jill is constantly fighting for not being controlled. Their parents, Tybalt, even Bella. Her strugle is a strugle for freedom, I think even the song DPC uses for her talks about that.
Yet it's true that one thing doesn't mean the other will not happened, sometimes excecively controlled people learn to control. Personally I don't see her that way. And I defenetely don't think it's going to go that way . I think her path will have a happy ending and everyone will be free to imagine watever sheet they like.
He mentioned something that just made me curious. That's all :ROFLMAO:
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Aug 26, 2019
Waste of time? Let me just mention D&G as well as Iterludes. When did this dev NOT waste time that should have been devoted to the story?
Well the interlude is going to be about Zoey so that's definitely related to the main story but this definitely seems like a ploy to get some character depth for Zoey.For this reason only we might actually get only one episode this year so I can see why you're angry.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Marriage isn't only problem in Bella path there's a list of them actually
1.Bella doesn't like the party lifestyle of diks
2.She is way older than mc
3.she's a teacher
4.both the mc and bella personalities are complete opposite
All these things can go on to make bella path more interesting . Even more interesting would be how DPC goes on the future of bella will it go along the same line as Jill and sage where there's only a faithful route available or will it remain as a type of fling where they are practically together but aren't really official.
I missed your message

all relationships face issues and differences, but being married, twice her age, and being her teacher are extraordinary difficulties

this does not mean that only these aspects will characterize their story, but they are extraordinary obstacles (age being a game counts relatively less) that they have to face, and that for now, halfway through the game, they have done very little in this sense
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