Ren'Py Changing Times Dev Thread


Jul 9, 2017
Announcing the dev of my first game. The game is not far along in Development yet, only a couple of months so far. I hope to have the first release out by the end of October.

The game starts with you waking up in a hospital after you are put into experimental Stasis for the last 20 years. Why were you in Stasis, and an experimental one at that you ask? The answer is simple, it was experimental stasis or die. Therefore, you end up remaining in stasis for almost 20 years until you can be woken. As you can imagine, undergoing an experimental stasis there are some unforeseen side effects. Namely, you end up with a case of amnesia, a difficulty telling right from wrong, and perhaps a few other surprises ;). Once you have recovered enough to be released from the hospital, you end up moving in with your younger sister. A younger sister who has aged 20 years while you were in stasis and is now older than you are, with two daughters of her own now. Where the story goes from there is up to you.

Thought I would throw this out here as another way to keep people updated and to perhaps garner some interest. I also need feedback for polls and thought this would be a good way to gather input as well. Plus this is a useful forum to ask Dev questions as well.


Jul 9, 2017
Hmm, That one I would leave up to a Major poll at a later date. I had planned on a futa route already, just not male on futa. So that would be easy enough to work in if there was a demand for it. I am willing to add almost any genre except Rape, Scat, or NTR off the top of my head, maybe one or two others, but I am open to most things.

I should clarify that I plan to start off with a couple of routes then expand out to at least 3 other routes right now. Additional routes and the order they are added will by polls once the initial base routes are in. The games plot/mechanic will allow for a way to add almost any genre or setting (potentially Futuristic or Medieval (sorta)). I plan for the game to be quite lengthy with a lot of replayability. Think back to some of the Hentai games of the 90's that had a multitude of different endings (I think the max I saw was 27 different endings in one game), that is the kind of game I am aiming for.
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Jul 9, 2017
The intro starts off about our time, and the initial routes begin at 20 years in the future. Later routes may start off even further into the future. I should add that I have planned for a way to, depending on the route, advance further in time at a later point in a given, but possibly not all routes. Hint, you have already been in stasis once ;).

I have a few futuristic scenarios in mind for later on already. I should also mention that by initial routes I mean the ones at the start of development. I plan to have a few routes and timeframes available at start later in development depending on choices made in the intro.

I keep notes on any scenario or setting that I think of that may be interesting to be referred back to at a later date. I may even add a patron reward to create a scenario at a later date, now that I think about it. However, it has to be a scenario I can either work into a route or have the potential to be developed enough to be its own route.
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Jul 9, 2017

Thought I would finally get around to sharing these. From back left to front right: Sister, Neighbor, Niece 1, Niece 2.

Thoughts? Not sure about the sisters hair myself, I will probably be changing it. I think I might need to do some more work on the Neighbor as well. The niece's I am pretty happy with.


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Sister's appearance is very pleasing. But the niece 1 reminds me of a plastic surgery addict. :D


Jul 9, 2017
Are you talking about the pinching in the face due to the expression? I will reset her expression and run another test render to make sure I didn't do something weird to her face to be sure.
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Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Are you talking about the pinching in the face due to the expression? I will reset her expression and run another test render to make sure I didn't do something weird to her face to be sure.
Yes.. around her cheeks and mouth. They seem pinched and kinda "off".


Jul 9, 2017
Niece 1 Profile.png
Yeah, that was from the expression I used, they were just quick renders I threw together quickly and didn't really tweak the details on them very much. The above is her default with no expression applied.