[R>Writer] Paid [Dryad Quest RPG]Looking for a fantasy writer

Dryad Quest Dev

Game Developer
Mar 28, 2020
There are 3 people working on the project right now:

I’m looking for a writer to join the team. It might be just you if you:
  • Have proficient Fantasy Writing Skills (novels/fanfiction, or narrative design, or screenwriting)
  • Have rich experience of playing RPGs(tabletop and/or CRPGs)
  • Have desire to learn and do research
  • Enjoy Dryad Quest and want to see the game grow
Things you are going to do:
  • Worldbuilding(places, characters, communities, etc)
  • Writing Events and Quests
  • Game Design(enemies and their stats & skills, items)
Additional Skills that are NOT necessary in any way but something that would be a plus:
  • Familiarity with Web Programming or JSON format
  • Marketing Skills
  • Music/Sound Effects Composition
About Payment:
  • It’s negotiable and depends on your qualification.
If you’re interested, contact me in Discord(Nekon#3636) with the following resume:
  • My writing experience(e.g none, 1 year, 5 years, etc):
  • My experience of working on games before:
  • Link(s) to the examples of my work(writing and/or game development):
  • How many hours I can put in the game’s development in a week:
  • How I can improve/expand on the game:
  • The idea/aspect that I would like to work on first:
  • What I think the game needs most right now:
  • My favorite aspect/scene in the game:
  • My favorite books/games:
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Game Developer
Feb 7, 2022
Hi. I reopen the thread since I'm looking for another writer in our small team.

I would be interested in this position. I currently develop my own NSFW fantasy game, as well as experience writing fantasy story lines outside of game development (DMing, traditional writing, etc).

  • My writing experience(e.g none, 1 year, 5 years, etc):
    • 1 year with game development, 3 years with fantasy writing (DMing, book writing, etc).
  • My experience of working on games before:
    • 1 year [link to game below].
  • Link(s) to the examples of my work(writing and/or game development):
    • [See below in my footer]
  • How many hours I can put in the game’s development in a week:
    • 2-4 hours per week.
  • How I can improve/expand on the game:
    • Can offer unique enimies, puzzles, and lewd storybuilding to keep the player engaged in the story and horny.
  • The idea/aspect that I would like to work on first:
    • Would like to work on overall story (will playtest the current game to get an idea of the existing worldbuilding)
    • Expand on natural/fey elements of Dryad Quest.
  • What I think the game needs most right now:
    • TBD after playtest
  • My favorite aspect/scene in the game:
    • TBD after playtest
  • My favorite books/games:
    • Games: Wytchwood, Destiny 2, Summertime Saga, Elden Ring,
    • Books: LOTR, Wheel of Time, Stormlight Archives, DnD sourcebooks
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New Member
Jan 17, 2022
I would be willing to work on this project. I've done a bit of writing for fantasy in both games and stories before, so I may be able to help things along and can work every day of a week for several hours. Though it will depend on the workload that is allotted to me and paid for.

My discord is joemercala

If you wish, contact me there and we can talk.