[S-Play tester] [S>Proofreader] [S>Writer] Experienced writer, proofreader and someone with a lot of free time offering my services and skills!


Oct 11, 2018
Hello! I am Aero34, a connoisseur of adult games, an experienced writer, A scoring English student and someone with a lot of free time.

For as long as I can remember I've had a fiery passion for storytelling and writing. I've dug my head into numerous books throughout my life, GM'ed many a DnD sessions (both irl and on Discord) and of course turned in my fair share of spectacular short stories/novels throughout my academic journey.

All grandiose aside though, I am indeed a very passionate and experienced writer. As such the English language is something I know and understand like the back of my hand! I am writing this ad to offer you, whomever you may be; my services. If you're looking for someone with an unbridled and creatively imaginative mind that can write any story for you, regardless of how vanilla or obscene it may be, then I'm the writer for the job. No matter what type of story, no matter if it's a story with branching storylines or just a linear story, no matter the length, no matter how weird or obscene it is and no matter for what purpose; I will write it. I just simply love writing stories that much! And since I have a lot of free time on my hands, I can also test out your games for you. I have a keen eye for details, so no bugs/glitches are safe from me! Same thing goes for proofreading, I am willing to proofread whatever project you may have in the works. And since I have a lot of free time on my hands, I can even do all three for you! No, this is not too good to be true!

Writing stories
Comprehensive understanding and usage of the English language
A strong work ethic along with a lot of free time on my hands

Preferred method of contact:
Discord is where I am primarily active, so I'd prefer it if you'd contact me there but forum PM also works
Discord: Ceasar#9977

Employment Type & Rates:
Commission, hourly, shares, per word, long-term. I am flexible enough to discuss this with you personally, to ensure we come up with an agreement that is as mutually beneficial as it can be. I understand that not every project is the same and thus certain employment types are better suited for some projects than others.

I am available all day, every week. I cannot promise you that I'll be on my PC every waking hour, but I will ensure that whatever project(s) come up that I finish them as soon as possible. Again, we can discuss deadlines/time criteria further in private. I am open minded and flexible enough to try and fit your demands!

Work Samples:
Unfortunately, as of now I don't have any samples that I can upload here. Since all of my writing samples have been on paper. Though, since I am an avid roleplayer, I can send you transcripts of the roleplays I've written/partaken in. I am also willing to write something for you directly as a sample if you request it. And don't worry about "hurting my feelings" if you do request a writing sample but don't like it, I am well aware this is a professional setting and I will keep it as such no matter what.

Additional comments:
I'd like to add that this is my first time ever that I offer my writing and English skills commercially like this. The thought had simply never occured to me before, that I could actually make some money off of something that I love and do almost daily as a hobby. But that is about to change as now I've found a whole new world and depth for my skills in writing and the English language!

If you have any questions or just would like to chat and see what I am all about, feel free to contact me here through PM or on Discord!
Hope to hear from you all very soon!

Warm regards, Aero34
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