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May 19, 2022
First things first this is a paid position. I can't do charity work, sorry, but I'm open to scaling cost based on how much your game makes (patreon monthly earnings are public info FYI so be serious please) and how well integrated you would want this. If you're making a cool game but you haven't made money on it still feel free to reach out as I will consider taking assets or learning experiences as payment IF I really like the game. Mainly though I'm looking at any patreon groups who are already profitable and have a core audience who might like VR. I'd guess many of you do not own VR headsets and wouldn't be able to do it even if you wanted so that's where I can come in.

I am a programmer and general UE dev with lots of VR experience. I have already used UEVR to test many games available here and elsewhere and am open to working on more robust integrations. If you're unfamiliar with UEVR its a universal injector toolkit for UE 4/5 but its more of a modder's kit than a production ready app. Some sfw games work great out of the box, very few nsfw games are playable without substantial work. Still, this would be a valid way to make a VR option for a non-VR game if you don't wish to give me access to the dev build. Even without that if you want to work with me by giving me some info or creating Uobject properties I can hook to or fixing rendering issues yadda yadda, we can likely get a lot done this way

Or you can bring me on as a dev with full engine access and I can make a much more native VR feeling port with things like full body IK (technically possible but assume motion controls will be more limited with UEVR unless you're making a shooter in which case I can easily rig up full 6dof aiming) and optimized performance. Its up to you.

I realize I'm making this post without video evidence. I have a lot of footage from using UEVR in various games NSFW and otherwise but I havent had time to edit and want this ad to go out so anyone interested can get the conversation started. I'll happily provide any of that info in DMs and will likely come back to edit this post soon enough

Unity games are also on the table. there's no universal mod that can compare to UEVR but I can reparent camera to VR at least and anything on mono I can easily patch the code. I work in dotnet so that's doable but if you want more than the most basic integration you'd probably need to open up some engine access.

Anyway don't feel a need to commit to anything yet, I may take up to a few days to even respond but if anyone finds this idea interesting , the service is available and you should definitely hit me up even if you just want to chat and get some info about the idea
May 19, 2022
Bumping this for visibility. Still open to working on this and I'm now more confident in my unity support in addition to unreal. Am also open to short term work on any unreal or unity project, particularly on the graphics. So many decent games with shit artwork that I could improve


Jul 28, 2017
Yea, this won't work. UEVR (for Unreal Engine, and Rai Pal for Unity Engine (in the works)) injector is there for a reason. Other game types (renpy and stuff) won't require a VR port.
May 19, 2022
Yea, this won't work. UEVR (for Unreal Engine, and Rai Pal for Unity Engine (in the works)) injector is there for a reason. Other game types (renpy and stuff) won't require a VR port.
brother did you read the post? I'm using those tool sets, but dont get it mistaken they are tools not ready made mods. Most games are horribly broken and often require writing your own plugin to fix it, uevr is just a framework. UUVR gets you a camera in many unity games but controls and anything else are on you. In either case its not a plug and play thing and it requires someone who actually owns a VR headset and does VR dev to work on it and test which many H devs do not own. I'm sure you think its easy because you played a popular game and you downloaded a config somebody else made and kindly shared after many hours research. In fact there's an nsfw section in the discord where you can see someone else's test logs for H games with UEVR and almost all of them are horribly broken with the best solution offered being to install another tool to remap inputs manually. What I offered was a full integration in UEVR as a minimal option, but again if you read the post you'd see I offered to actually integrate it in their game directly which would be much better than any mod.

In any case no one bit probably because most actual devs arent using this site for pirates and most devs are weird about VR