[R>Artist 3D] Share Looking for an artist to start a new game.


New Member
May 1, 2023
Hello, I am looking to start a new team. I am a writer. I have a story already started and I am looking to put the team together.

The name of the game is "Half Dead Already."

A brief overview. After his mother died, the MC and his father lived together until he graduated High School. However, after a fight between him and his dad, the MC took off to a collage as far away from he father as he could. He left his father and now ex girlfriend behind. He had been living his life for 3 years until one day he walked into the hospital for a checkup. The thing is he walks into the beginning of the zombie apocalypses. After barley surviving he has 1 thought on his mind. "I must get home to her." The woman he left behind. Follow the MC's story as he makes his journey back home to try to find the woman he loves.

That is the very basics of the story. There is still a lot that I am keeping to myself for now.

I haven't really picked a name as for as a deveplor. I want input from the people I start working with.

Looking for:
I want to have this story in Renpy. It's just the easiest tool to work with starting out. So, I am looking for a programmer that can work in Renpy.

The main thing I am looking for is a good artist. I want to do this in 3d art. I have some plans for some animated art that might be a bit tricky. So a good artist is needed.

Employment Type:
This will be a shared revenue starting from scratch. If you don't like that move onto the next post.

Work commitment:
That depends. I can see this project starting off slow and picking up pace if it get popular. I don't mind this starting off as a small side hustle, but I want to make more games then this one, so, It's really up to you at the start.

Preferred method of contact:

You can contact me on discord: gojin09

Additional comments:
I really look forward to getting this game off of the ground. I mostly want a relax and fun working relationship with anyone that I work with.

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