
Jul 1, 2018

I've written this post out a few times now. I'm not sure how much information to share and I don't want to say too much for privacy sake. So I'll keep things pretty basic.

- Me and my girlfriend were in close contact with someone that just informed us they tested positive for Covid-19

- We have postponed our impromptu vacation.

- We're currently planning out exactly what we're going to do while we wait for our own test results. I still live with and take care of my at risk grandpa so we're taking it very seriously

- Due to the uncertainty of the next few days there is no longer a set release date for D8p2. The goal is by the end of the month but I don't want to promise anything as I have very limited control of how things play out.

My original post went into a ton of detail about everything and how it happened but it seems best to keep it vague just for my own privacy as well as making the "need to know" information easily digestible.

I don't want anyone to worry about me. I'll be completely okay, we're just doing everything we can to make sure everyone stays as safe as possible.
I will keep you guys informed. I'll have more concrete information to share in a few days.

This all completely sucks and I was really looking forward to this weekend. But keeping everyone safe is way more important than anything like that.
I also have some news to share about the set of monthly renders and something cool I have planned for it / future ones. But I want to keep this post short and on topic so I'll save it for my next post. I'll likely talk about it a bit in discord as well.

That's all for me for now, I'll have the update post for this update post up as soon as I have things to share.
I hope all of you are doing well.

Thank you guys <3
Hope Braindrop and Girlfriend getting the Negative Test soon and that nothing bad happens this Year anymore. And for the Emotional wellbeing i suggest a Pet. When my Depression got worse 2013 and i Isolated my self more and more we got new Kittens and they Helped(and still do) a lot.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018

I've written this post out a few times now. I'm not sure how much information to share and I don't want to say too much for privacy sake. So I'll keep things pretty basic.

- Me and my girlfriend were in close contact with someone that just informed us they tested positive for Covid-19

- We have postponed our impromptu vacation.

- We're currently planning out exactly what we're going to do while we wait for our own test results. I still live with and take care of my at risk grandpa so we're taking it very seriously

- Due to the uncertainty of the next few days there is no longer a set release date for D8p2. The goal is by the end of the month but I don't want to promise anything as I have very limited control of how things play out.

My original post went into a ton of detail about everything and how it happened but it seems best to keep it vague just for my own privacy as well as making the "need to know" information easily digestible.

I don't want anyone to worry about me. I'll be completely okay, we're just doing everything we can to make sure everyone stays as safe as possible.
I will keep you guys informed. I'll have more concrete information to share in a few days.

This all completely sucks and I was really looking forward to this weekend. But keeping everyone safe is way more important than anything like that.
I also have some news to share about the set of monthly renders and something cool I have planned for it / future ones. But I want to keep this post short and on topic so I'll save it for my next post. I'll likely talk about it a bit in discord as well.

That's all for me for now, I'll have the update post for this update post up as soon as I have things to share.
I hope all of you are doing well.

Thank you guys <3
Hope all will turn out well for the three of you and preferably will just be a shock, but good news will come. Unfortunately that virus will be with us a while longer though, so all use your brains as much as possible to keep yourself and loved ones safe while still trying to have some fun.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019

I've written this post out a few times now. I'm not sure how much information to share and I don't want to say too much for privacy sake. So I'll keep things pretty basic.

- Me and my girlfriend were in close contact with someone that just informed us they tested positive for Covid-19

- We have postponed our impromptu vacation.

- We're currently planning out exactly what we're going to do while we wait for our own test results. I still live with and take care of my at risk grandpa so we're taking it very seriously

- Due to the uncertainty of the next few days there is no longer a set release date for D8p2. The goal is by the end of the month but I don't want to promise anything as I have very limited control of how things play out.

My original post went into a ton of detail about everything and how it happened but it seems best to keep it vague just for my own privacy as well as making the "need to know" information easily digestible.

I don't want anyone to worry about me. I'll be completely okay, we're just doing everything we can to make sure everyone stays as safe as possible.
I will keep you guys informed. I'll have more concrete information to share in a few days.

This all completely sucks and I was really looking forward to this weekend. But keeping everyone safe is way more important than anything like that.
I also have some news to share about the set of monthly renders and something cool I have planned for it / future ones. But I want to keep this post short and on topic so I'll save it for my next post. I'll likely talk about it a bit in discord as well.

That's all for me for now, I'll have the update post for this update post up as soon as I have things to share.
I hope all of you are doing well.

Thank you guys <3
don't worry about you .. you can't be serious .. we all love you alot ... altho 99.9% of us really don't know you ... we still care alot for you and yours .. like we do our own ... and as said so many times .. your health and real life means more to us than any update or game .. thank you for letting us know how your doing ...

from one of your biggest fans ....

p.s. please let us know how things are turning out ... and take care of yourself and those you love ...

The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019

I've written this post out a few times now. I'm not sure how much information to share and I don't want to say too much for privacy sake. So I'll keep things pretty basic.

- Me and my girlfriend were in close contact with someone that just informed us they tested positive for Covid-19

- We have postponed our impromptu vacation.

- We're currently planning out exactly what we're going to do while we wait for our own test results. I still live with and take care of my at risk grandpa so we're taking it very seriously

- Due to the uncertainty of the next few days there is no longer a set release date for D8p2. The goal is by the end of the month but I don't want to promise anything as I have very limited control of how things play out.

My original post went into a ton of detail about everything and how it happened but it seems best to keep it vague just for my own privacy as well as making the "need to know" information easily digestible.

I don't want anyone to worry about me. I'll be completely okay, we're just doing everything we can to make sure everyone stays as safe as possible.
I will keep you guys informed. I'll have more concrete information to share in a few days.

This all completely sucks and I was really looking forward to this weekend. But keeping everyone safe is way more important than anything like that.
I also have some news to share about the set of monthly renders and something cool I have planned for it / future ones. But I want to keep this post short and on topic so I'll save it for my next post. I'll likely talk about it a bit in discord as well.

That's all for me for now, I'll have the update post for this update post up as soon as I have things to share.
I hope all of you are doing well.

Thank you guys <3
Damn Braindrop those curve balls just keep coming don't they? Hope 2021 treats you better cuz at this point 2020 be like


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
I believe it is time to call all Cultists, Clones, Druids and Drones, Covenites and Kabalites, Acolytes and the Pack, to unite and offer BD our whole-hearted support. Also maybe declare Holy War on 2020 and tell it to fuck off.


Wait, that's not an actual word.


....eh, fuck it. Good boy.


Feb 4, 2019

I've written this post out a few times now. I'm not sure how much information to share and I don't want to say too much for privacy sake. So I'll keep things pretty basic.

- Me and my girlfriend were in close contact with someone that just informed us they tested positive for Covid-19

- We have postponed our impromptu vacation.

- We're currently planning out exactly what we're going to do while we wait for our own test results. I still live with and take care of my at risk grandpa so we're taking it very seriously

- Due to the uncertainty of the next few days there is no longer a set release date for D8p2. The goal is by the end of the month but I don't want to promise anything as I have very limited control of how things play out.

My original post went into a ton of detail about everything and how it happened but it seems best to keep it vague just for my own privacy as well as making the "need to know" information easily digestible.

I don't want anyone to worry about me. I'll be completely okay, we're just doing everything we can to make sure everyone stays as safe as possible.
I will keep you guys informed. I'll have more concrete information to share in a few days.

This all completely sucks and I was really looking forward to this weekend. But keeping everyone safe is way more important than anything like that.
I also have some news to share about the set of monthly renders and something cool I have planned for it / future ones. But I want to keep this post short and on topic so I'll save it for my next post. I'll likely talk about it a bit in discord as well.

That's all for me for now, I'll have the update post for this update post up as soon as I have things to share.
I hope all of you are doing well.

Thank you guys <3
I was really looking forward to the update but we know it's not BD's fault. hope he and his gf get tested negative, take care
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The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019
dude i hope you don't have little puppets you play with while doing your little ahhh .. mind melting type alter ego thing err .. just don't .. urgh fuck it .. dude you have split personality or something .. your seriously freaking me out here ... hey i know a really good Dr. her name is Amanda .. you'd like her i think :ROFLMAO:

you crazy old bastard

jk jk ... so .. hows the cult going .. pick up any new members lately :LOL:
Seems kinda odd to call it into question now seeing as it's a been thing for going on a year now. So sad to see how Demntia ravages the mind :p

Uncle Loco

Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 28, 2020
Lot's of great questions so far for the project I am working on. If anyone else wants to add to the growing list let me know. Please note almost every one of these was provided to me by other members (yes even the Stacy one's). Don't worry I will be adding more of my own questions to the list as well. Please note if you have not played through the current release there are spoilers here. Read at your own risk.

Here is what I have so far:

  • What does WVM Stand for?
  • Who is the third controlling member of WVM?
  • What happened to Shauna’s mother?
  • Who attempted to kidnap Natalie when she was younger and why?
  • Does Harper not like Veronica?
  • Why is Vanessa’s Ex-husband in jail?
  • How many bedrooms are in the new house?
  • Who else was in the car accident with the MC father?
  • What did Stacy want to tell the MC before he told her Willow is his sister?
  • What is the background story on Stacy she seems to be hiding something?
  • Who is tied up in the group Charles was involved in outside Vanessa’s ex-husband, and who is the leader of that group?
  • Who will take up Charles position as it seems he is losing his job? Will it be Lauren?
  • With it looking like Charles is losing his job will this change Veronica’s opinion on being a teacher still?
  • Will Wendy move into the house with the MC and Willow?
  • How will the conversation with Wendy, Willow and the MC go?
  • Will Katie still have a role at WVM or will she lose her job too?
  • What will happen to Damien and his mother (if she really is sick)?
  • Will Alexis show up at WVM?
  • Who will be the first confirmed pregnancy?
  • Why are the colors of WVM Yellow and Black and not another color?
  • Will we continue to see the girls all wearing matching PJ’s?
  • What damage did the MC really do to Ryker?
  • Will the team really get a stake dinner or will we finally get Chicken or Salad instead?
  • Will we get a chance to ride in the RV again?
  • When will moon finally get her interview?
  • Will the interview be fluff questions or hard hitting questions?
  • Will the team win their first game?
  • Who will take the role of manager for the MC?
  • Who will be Harper’s Assistant coaches?
  • Will Cedar make up with Wendy?
  • Will anyone else in the game have Heterochromia iridium?
  • Is there a reason why the MC memories are poor and why he seems to forget most of his early childhood?
  • Does Azel know more about the MC past than she is letting on?
  • Why does the MC seem to think he knows some of the Rainbow girls?

I am still trying to figure out the best way to display all these questions and how to show answers to questions as we get them in future updates.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
Seems kinda odd to call it into question now seeing as it's a been thing for going on a year now. So sad to see how Demntia ravages the mind :p
theres days like that ... well ok most days are like that .. but hey what would you all do if i wasn't here .. ;)

be alot better off i would bet :ROFLMAO:


Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2017
Lot's of great questions so far for the project I am working on. If anyone else wants to add to the growing list let me know. Please note almost every one of these was provided to me by other members (yes even the Stacy one's). Don't worry I will be adding more of my own questions to the list as well. Please note if you have not played through the current release there are spoilers here. Read at your own risk.

Here is what I have so far:

  • Is there a reason why the MC memories are poor and why he seems to forget most of his early childhood?

I am still trying to figure out the best way to display all these questions and how to show answers to questions as we get them in future updates.
I believe that certain point to be very important to the story ...otherwise...it just becomes something like a deus ex machina..."something wrong in the story ?blame it on on the loss of memory something doesn;t make sense ?we can explain it with the loss of memories and so on...
So from my POV that is a HUGE DEAL to the story
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The Krypt Angel

Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2019
Wasn't it because some of them are internet celebrities? Purple, Blue and Orange at least if I recall correctly.
yea they're all social media influencer type chicks or models so it's not a stretch he might recognize them. I mean I stay away from social media shit like the plague but even I still know who some of those people are.
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Sep 15, 2017
Hey 2020! How about giving Braindrop a break every once in a while?
The Church of Shaunatology has officially declared holy war on the year that is 2020. We are currently in the process of researching how exactly one DIVINE SMITES a unit of time, but we promise to keep our sister religions/organizations and any nondenominational WVM fans apprised of our progress. (y)


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
  • What does WVM Stand for?
    [*] my thought -- you got me ...
    [*]Who is the third controlling member of WVM?
    [*] my thought --- the 3 women running (Belle/Valerie/Margaret (maybe Mary)
    [*]What happened to Shauna’s mother?
    [*] my thought --- don't know .. we never met her
    [*]Who attempted to kidnap Natalie when she was younger and why?
    [*] my thought -- Nat said she didn't know him .. my guess her daddy
    [*]Does Harper not like Veronica?
    [*] my thoughts -- she does .. just didn't like seeing you 2 hugging (jealous maybe )
    [*]Why is Vanessa’s Ex-husband in jail?
    [*] my thought -- Vanessa said .. it had to do with Charles ... my guess DRUGS
    [*]How many bedrooms are in the new house?
    [*] my thought -- at least 8 bedrooms Jamie/Shauna/Azel/Rachael/Willow/Stacy/Jasmine/Tali/ and MC
    [*]Who else was in the car accident with the MC father?
    [*] my thought -- couldn't have been MC .. he was told by Azel and cop after accident
    [*]What did Stacy want to tell the MC before he told her Willow is his sister?
    [*] my thought -- that she wanted him to come and meet her "mom"
    [*]What is the background story on Stacy she seems to be hiding something?
    [*] my thought -- i think she's in love with MC and is wanting to say but is afraid .. falling in love to fast ...
    [*]Who is tied up in the group Charles was involved in outside Vanessa’s ex-husband, and who is the leader of that group?
    [*] my thought -- Charles / Vanessa's ex. / and some cops working at the jail/college
    [*]Who will take up Charles position as it seems he is losing his job? Will it be Lauren?
    [*] my thought .. Lauren would be a great choice .. she knows the paper work anyways ...
    [*]With it looking like Charles is losing his job will this change Veronica’s opinion on being a teacher still?
    [*] my thoughts --- no .. she doesn't wanna teach anymore ... i think she is in need of love , maybe just someone to be there for her ...
    [*]Will Wendy move into the house with the MC and Willow?
    [*] my tought --- she said she wasn't going to leave you ever again .. pretty much answers itself ...
    [*]How will the conversation with Wendy, Willow and the MC go?
    [*] my thoughts --- they will work on the problems of the past and fix them ..
    [*]Will Katie still have a role at WVM or will she lose her job too?
    [*] my thoughts -- maybe she'll take over after Charles leaves ...
    [*]What will happen to Damien and his mother (if she really is sick)?
    [*] my though -- yeah started thinking that whole story is bullshit
    [*]Will Alexis show up at WVM?
    [*] my thought --- yup , shes on her way to MC she always did love him and wants to see if MC feels the same ....
    [*]Who will be the first confirmed pregnancy?
    [*] my thought --- Liz / Shauna then Jamie (or) Shauna / Jamie / Liz
    [*]Why are the colors of WVM Yellow and Black and not another color?
    [*] my thought -- why is the sky blue ..
    [*]Will we continue to see the girls all wearing matching PJ’s?
    [*] my thoughts -- as cute as that maybe .. they should wear different things ..
    [*]What damage did the MC really do to Ryker?
    [*] my thoughts -- coma ... he deserves nothing less ...
    [*]Will the team really get a stake dinner or will we finally get Chicken or Salad instead?
    [*] my thought --- as funny as that scene was ... yeah i think a cookout would be in order ..
    [*]Will we get a chance to ride in the RV again?
    [*] my thought --- NOPE
    [*]When will moon finally get her interview?
    [*] my thoughts -- day 9
    [*]Will the interview be fluff questions or hard hitting questions?
    [*] my thought -- well would have been fluff -- i think a mixed bag now tho ...
    [*]Will the team win their first game?
    [*] my thoughts --- for team morale it would help out .. then again i could see losing the 1st game .. seeing what took place ... (alley)
    [*]Who will take the role of manager for the MC?
    [*] my thoughts --- MC should ask Jasmine .... something she wants do do anyways ...
    [*]Who will be Harper’s Assistant coaches?
    [*] my thought --- maybe Katie .... maybe Someone we haven't met yet ...
    [*]Will Cedar make up with Wendy?
    [*] my thoughts --- while she don't like what Wendy done .. i think she'll understand .. and yes forgive her ...
    [*]Will anyone else in the game have Heterochromia iridium?
    [*] my thoughts -- NO
    [*]Is there a reason why the MC memories are poor and why he seems to forget most of his early childhood?
    [*] my thought --- Traumatic experiences leave people sometimes forgetting bad experiences ...
    [*]Does Azel know more about the MC past than she is letting on?
    [*] my thought -- i think Azel and MC dad had something going on ...
    [*]Why does the MC seem to think he knows some of the Rainbow girls?
    [*] my thoughts --- i was curious about that also ... and i have no clue ...
i'm gonna try to answer some of these to see what you guys think
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