Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
There is no English version as of yet.
The card game is gone. Check out the site from opening post for a video of brand new ver. 0.2
This is essentially a brand new game as there was no content other than the card game in the earlier version and that is out also.
Waiting on the English version now ... waiting ... waiting ...

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Actual plans as of now:
Ver 0.2 no English version
  • 1 sex mini game
  • Character's relationship system
  • 2 new characters
  • 5 new scenes
  • More content to be determined
on top of what 0.1 had ... :

  • 4 scenes.
  • 4 characters.
  • 7 animations.
  • Mini game.
  • Quest system.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
This game will be featuring ...
B A L E T on top of table tops dr7.jpg
G I R L Y P O S E S on top of desk tops dr6.jpg
A C T I O N on top of table tops dr5.jpg
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Reactions: asd33asd33

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Also featuring ... patting the running time of a sur real dream experience:
dr4.jpg F U N . W I T H . C H E S S . P I E C E S on top of table tops
dr3.jpg C O L D . STA RES from sweet blue eyed nymph hugging herself
dr2.jpg H O V E RI N G over giRl in bed sleeping
dr1.jpg F A C E . SM O O C H I N G !
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Reactions: asd33asd33

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Unreal games always turn out 4GB+ on your computer ...
Make sure you have enough Ram and HDD space to run it O K


New Member
Feb 24, 2018
Only problem for me is the mini game is crazy hard, if there were "only" 40 smaller ships and not what seems like a constant spawn of them i would have gotten past it but the boss spawns and there are still many smaller ships which made it nearly impossible lol, it doesnt matter how great the nsfw content is its not worth mini games in general let alone that one.. too bad since a lot of work must have gone into it all
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Reactions: Canto Forte


Game Developer
Dec 6, 2018
If the mini game is too hard for you,you can visit . upload your save in c:\users\"your windows user name"\AppData\Local\Game_2018\Saved\SaveGames.Scrool down,modify last 4 variable,RememberPercent,DreamAttackPercent,RememberPercent,DreamAttackPercent to 100,and download to rewrite the save file.


Sep 29, 2018
when i play minigame and finished im on the bed but there is still minigame play option.
and if i click the button i falling into underground