Graphics are great, music is okay (it has music!), story is generally good (the premise is great) and isn't slow... but the conversations between some of these characters are weird; mostly an issue of mutual friends and their interest in the MC's budding relationships.
Hard to explain, you'll just have to try it. There's enough right going on with this you should consider playing it, but not enough wrong for me to talk you out of it.
Edit: I ended up cutting bait with this one. Further along I got in the story, the more I didn't care for the way the story is presented. The individual characters are good... but the more I play, the more it feels like you're trying to progress through four different stories. There's the central story that centers on the MC integrating into this new home dynamic with all three of the daughters and the give and take of spending time with each of them; though rarely together as a family... I get it, busy lives and all that, but it would be nice if they talk to each other more than "hey" and "oh, I need to speak to Dad; send him my way", but I digress.
Outside of that primary story, there are stories for each daughter where each daughter is the center point of their own story and that daughter introduces you to her friends, acquaintances, etc, and you do stuff with each of them outside of the house and with their friends. So rather than the game feeling like multiple chapters of a single story, it feels like a soap opera where we go through one story for about 10 minutes... then we switch over to another story... then we switch over to another story... before we come back to the first story again. It's not terrible, but I feel like only the central story focuses on the MC's presence... the other three stories are centered on another character and you are simply present for the events. It's a novel concept in VNs, but it gets old once you realize it's basically got the same structure as a soap opera.
3 stars.