VN - Ren'Py - Completed - 23 Sisters [v1.0 Final] [Abere Lucifer]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    While this game isn't exactly the most erotic game on this site (Some of the renders remind me of the 500% Face Animations videos on Youtube) this game is comedy gold. Its been a long long time since I actually laughed from a game on this site, but this one did it. If only the renders were slightly higher this would be a 5 star game (which I never give). I guess an argument could be made that the wacky expressions add to the humor, but I think that the writing stands up on its own.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the funniest games I have played. you owe it to yourself to try it. unless you would not want to bang all your sisters and I do not think there is anyone on this site that does not . pure straight through KN not stupid chickens to catch or that other rpgm crap just plain fun
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    All the 5 star reviews are from easily tickled people that lack any sense of objectivity and all the 1 star reviews are from people lacking a sense of humour.

    With that out of the way: This game is just about okay: the visuals are not very good, the characters are mediocre fuck-puppets without pretending to be more then that. And the writing is hit and miss depending on your sense of humor.
    Make no mistake this game is all about that incest+impregnation fetish, and it leans into that very hard ! Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex! That is it!
    If you want deep personalities, a story that makes sense: look elsewhere.
    If you want a fun little romp without any meaningful dept (beyond the dept of certainbody orifices) sprinkled in absurd humour, this will entertain you!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Game has an interesting premise, but whoever made those models must be blind or something. Every character looks like they're either a monkey, an alien, have been hit in the face with a brick, or are the result of generations of inbreeding and meth use in the deepest darkest parts of Alabama.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I normally don't do a review of a game so early in the cycle, but this game has potential so I thought I'd give the author some constructive criticism. I always feel a bit badly beating someone up when they're putting the effort into doing the work...especially the art work...but this is a review so I'm going to be honest in my assessment.

    The good thing is that there is an interesting premise to this game. Basically, your rich biological father has an incest fetish and set you off on a quest of knocking up 23 half-sisters around the world...and if you do, you're very rich. So those that have an impregnation fetish will not be disappointed.

    Another plus is that the game has some moments that made me there's some good humor in the game.

    The sex scenes are inventive...and there's humor there as well. The dialogue could use some improvement.

    Now for the bad. The gameplay is simple...probably too simple. Not much in the way of choices that can affect the outcome. The choices are obvious....and not much in the way of character development. Look, I know the point of the game is to knock up the sisters and it's an adult game so we expect the sex. But there's no character development and no real challenge in doing so thus far.

    Now for the big issue. The renders are substandard....there's something off with the faces. Dad's face looks wrong and Tiffany in particular looks horrible. Others have mentioned Tiffany the best thing I can say is that she's ugly. Like she wasn't just hit with an ugly stick, but she went through an ugly forest and was hit by every branch on the way through.

    I hope that the author can improve on the faces and the gameplay while there's still time and interest in doing so.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Undead Coomer

    I like the absurd pretense of the game.

    MC and dad look fine. MC's t-shirt at the beginning suits very well with the gender studies. The lighting in the renders are bad and Tiffany looks like a monkey tbh and it seems she will accompany the MC throughout the game so I it must be fixed (her chin and nose is too point kinda looks like MJ's nose.
    Also 12 billions is a bit too ridiculous, (I know the story is already absurd but I'd guess 2 or 3 billion dollars would seem more reasonable. I think it should have some absurd and some grounded in reality stuff mixed together.
    Also I'd hope that there be an age patch.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    23 Sisters game name attracts people's attention (genius move) the story is simple, mc is a young man who must bring to the second state (get pregnant), all his sisters ... when mc succeeds he gets a package of money (metaphor- the package would have to be very huge, maybe a truck) from the father (I think the father can be proud haha and not only for the son) Dev is very good at writing funny dialogues and according to his comments is fiery for the game (he can be proud too), who has not played it yet, has a chance to try and have fun, or even more than what I read in the comments ;-) Have fun :p
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Sweet home Alabama, sister i'm coming home to cum in you.
    So far this game has some good comedy but the models/renders are not all that great and not a lot to say on the story since the game is still early on.
    The MC had a lame job and was giving a chance to make a lot of money by doing some sweet home Alabama stuff.

    Renders. 6.5/10
    Story. 7/10
    Sex. 6.5/10
    Characters. 6.5/10

    Sometimes i come back and edit my reviews after the final version comes out. This is just a review to let people know how the game is right now.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    UPDATED: Ugraded to 4 Stars. Some of the renders are still rough around the edges, and 23 Sisters is never going to wow you visually like some others in the genre, but hands-down, this is one of the funniest and liveliest games I've ever played, and the updates are frequent. Very good stuff.


    A young college graduate with a useless degree, stuck in a dead-end job, gets rescued by the terminally ill, billionaire, dead-beat dad he never knew he had, and Dad's got a proposition for him. He's one of 24 illegitimate children (Dad has a 'surprise, I came inside!' pregnancy fetish, ya' see), and he's the only son. The graduate has 23 sisters spread all over the world, and billionaire Dad wants him to visit, seduce (no rapin') and impregnate each and every one of them (it's all the better if they don't actually want you to cum inside them, that's hot, but you can't just rape 'em). If the MC manages to pull this off, ideally before his sickly father bites the big one, he'll inherit 12 Billion Dollars.

    In Hollywood, they call this premise 'high-concept', which basically just means something that's immediately catchy, adventurous and succinct, like 'a group of mercenaries face off against a deadly, alien hunter in the jungle', or 'a vacationing police officer must rescue his wife from highly skilled terrorists in an LA skyscraper', or 'In a race against time, a college graduate must go on a globe-trotting adventure and incestuously impregnate all 23 of his sisters to win inconceivable wealth from a dying father'. See how that works? Doesn't it just immediately grip your sense of degenerate excitement?

    Maybe I'm coming off as sarcastic, but I haven't downloaded something from F95 in a few months now, and when I read the premise I immediately pressed the MEGA button. As a concept, it works.

    And when it works as a VN, it feels very much like a high-concept, 80's teen sex comedy if the script was written by Edward Lee. Reasonably detailed character models in decent lighting within colorful and decorated environments, spouting insane, off-the-wall, often incest-themed and topical dialogue at one another while everything is drenched in ten levels of satire. This game has genuinely made me laugh out loud several times. At points it's gloriously, aggressively offensive, and I'm not talking about the incest. When it works, this is absurdity to the point that it bumps against the edge of something awesome.

    When it's not working, it feels like a shoddy, ramshackle first attempt at a DAZ Ren'Py game with no proofreading. Scary looking models in bad lighting within sparse, poorly decorated and barren environments, spouting wooden lines of incest-themed porn dialogue at one another. "You're a slut, and you want your brother's dick." "Yeah, I'm a slut, I want my brother's dick!"


    "NARRATOR: After giving his sister some brother-dick and cumming all up in them guts until she passed out, Jim went to the airport and flew on his private jet to Chicago and bought a chili dog. The chili dog was not very good."


    "NARRATOR: Then Jim went clothes shopping and bought some astoundingly ugly clothes despite possessing a limitless credit card and went back to his private jet. You'll have to trust us on this, folks, we don't have the budget for the assets to show you, but Jim definitely has a private jet, and he absolutely goes places in it. It's super cool. Currently, he flies back home, gets in a cab and travels to the hospital.


    -and the game resumes normally from there. This happens several times.

    Currently I'd say the game works about 60% of the time. The other 40% is a low-low-budget, Canadian production, Vancouver-sewer-system-trying-to-pass-itself-off-as-New-York, hot mess.

    I really like the premise. I really like the sense of humor and the surprising, 'fuck everybody' topical sensibility the game shows sometimes. It's fun and lively, and gives the game an edge it desperately needs to further differentiate itself from the 3.5 million other brother-fucks-family VN's on F95. This game is definitely unique in spirit.

    I'm just not currently titillated by the actual sex scenes. There's no real build-up, no coaxing of the player's libido, and the 'dirty talk' doesn't really feel sexual, so much as keeping up with everything else the game has been doing. Like I said before, Edward Lee, aggressively offensive, yadda yadda. A whole lotta fun, just not particularly sexy. It doesn't help that your first sister is a dead ringer for a Chucky doll.

    Side-note, kudos to the dev for the forward-thinking of applying to SubStar, cause this shit ain't gonna fly on Patreon for very long. I'll be stunned if it's still there in two weeks without some serious rewrites. The name of the game is sister-fuckin', and them shenanigans don't fly in the House of Patty.

    Current version, 3 Stars. Sister Shoot-em-up, and your bullets are made of jizz. Will continue to follow this production, and wish the dev all the luck in the wide world of illegitimate female siblings needing a good fuckin'.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly i mean no disrespect to the devs of this one, but I have to say i have never been so grossed out by models before and ive seen a lot of weird games on here. The grandma sex did not help. I know everyone has kinks but dear lord this game... it was not enjoyable, it was not even pleasant. If you ever Redo the game with actual human models lemme know id be glad to check it out.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, let's rate this for what it is, not for what a bunch of entitled whiners want it to be. This is an incest sex-fest period. Everything else is secondary.

    The characters are interesting and unique. Are they all gorgeous and manufactured? No. Are they original? So far, yes. Will everyone like them? Not bloody likely. Still, it's nice to see someone who spent more than 10 minutes to make characters that are not straight-out-of-the-box models without even a tweak here or there.

    Renders, Lighting, and Sex Scenes
    Clearly this is a first go for someone learning Daz3D. It's cool. Many of us have been there before. Do yourself a favor and look at some lighting tutorials. Some of the scenes are very poorly lit, and some are blown out. Poorly lit scenes also render more slowly, so fix the lighting and your render speeds should improve as well.

    Renders are mostly ok. Some weird angles, and some crazy contorted faces. But all in all, not terrible. Tiffany looks like a hick southerner because she is a hick southerner, so if people don't like that, they don't like what people really look like. Too bad for them.

    Sex scenes are not automated. Spend a little time, and you will find out that if you just take the scenes you have already you can use the animation feature in Daz3D and make decent animations. Do it. It doesn't take much time and will make the game much more enjoyable.

    Once again, this isn't positioned as a work of art, and it doesn't pretend to be one. However, for a incest-filled romp, it hits all the buttons - and then some. I can't wait for the next episodes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game that doesn't take itself to seriously!!

    Great quality humor... Actually EXCELLENT humor which matches my own perfectly. Laughed my socks off from beginning to end.
    Plenty of lewd content from the get go and some characters that don't match your regular everyday characters that look a little freaky (very freaky but I love it)
    Anyway if you want a laugh and a game that uses as much INCEST as possible then give this little treasure of a game a go :love:
  13. 4.00 star(s)



    Really enjoyed this one. This and Once in a Lifetime, are only adult games where, I have had a genuine laugh while playing them. Tiffany is hilarious in her depravity and really carries the game atm. Was smiling the whole way through it.

    In technical sense, the game is pretty unimpressive and it's the reason, why I didn't feel like I could give it 5 stars, currently. When compared to say the aforementioned OiaL, which has quite good animations... yeah. It makes this game seem very much in early development. But then again, it clearly is, with only few updates in. So, hopefully the technical aspects will improve in time too.

    As for the story. Heh! Y-yeaaah... you should know what you are getting from the description. Hell, even from the name of the game. So, you probably shouldn't expect some great work in adult game literature, or something. Just saying :).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Haven't laughed so much playing a VN before. The storyline is rather strange and the speed of the story is very fast, although that probably means that a completed version will come along a lot faster than many other VN's.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    SWEET HOME ALABAMA!!, Ya'll wanna piss your self laughing? play this, It's sick, it's funny, It make the Jerry Springer show look like a church gathering lmao, this stuff al make ya laugh from beginning to the end.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    A lot of the expressions feel contorted and the story is really forced along too quickly. Some textures look stretched, and it could use more renders to ease up on scene progression. The English is also a bit weird, it's either hasty typing, poor proofreading, not the native language, or a mixture of the three.

    That aside, it does seem to have potential. After a few updates it might be worth playing.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    A complete waste of 5 minutes. The renders are much uglier than they appear in the previews, the one sex scene is dull, and the writing is terrible. Don't waste your time downloading this disappointment.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a great start for such an early version. Really looking forward. The story is unbelievable but kinda funny.
    Almost nothing set yet though, but the direction of the game is clear.
    I'll expand/rewrite the review further after it's later release.
    Edit: The story's gone trash and it's really disappointing. Sex scenes are ok, the girls are great and there are many fetishes. But the story puts me off big time and doesn't make any sense.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Well one of the positives of this game is that it hasn't got the same generic looking models which you have mostly seen in so many other games, these models although not ultra attractive have more of a down to earth look to them, some might say they are downright ugly, but who cares they go extremely well with the original entertaining and hilariously script.

    If you are looking for a serious game with a lot of meaning behind the story, well I'm afraid you are looking in the wrong place, this is a game for those who are looking for a good amount of laughs, ridiculous the story maybe, it is still certainly worth a play, and I hope the script carries on in the same manner.

    I have high hopes for this one and hope the developer doesn't disappoint me as this is one story I would like to see to the end.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Not the worst renders i've ever saw, but they're made from someone that was too lazy to get some references before doing it.
    Story is not catching.
    13 years old people might find the humor in this game fun, i don't.