2D/3D Tag Filters for Games?


Jun 28, 2020
So, I know I can't be the first one to ask/suggest this, but why is there no [2D] or [3D] tag for this site's Games section? There are so many posts specifically searching for these types of games that you'd think you'd be able to filter by them. I'm not a fan of 3D games, but I love good animated 2D games. But I don't want to post another thread asking for which 2D games I should look into that gets zero responses; I'd really like if I could filter by rating/date and by [2D] in the search bar and let that do the talking.
And on that note, I also think it would be helpful to create a tag for [Animated Sex Scenes]. Some Renpy games have animations, some just have stills. Some 3D games have animations, others don't. Maybe this tag would end up being a little tougher to determine than 2D vs 3D, but it would still be something nice to know before downloading the folder if a trailer isn't available.