Identify 2D Bug Girl Side-Scroller Game?

Nov 12, 2017
I'm not fully sure if I dreamed this up or not, but I remember playing a 2d game with a pixelated artstyle. It was a side-scrolling fighter, and you played as some kind of bug girl that fought with punches and kicks. She wasn't just like a girl with, like, bee wings and antennae- she had a yellow carapace and stuff. I think she also had a certain attack where you would jump onto an enemy and then bounce to the other side, allowing you to chain the attack.

The closest thing I could compare this game to would be Echidna Wars, but the only H-Scene I remember wasn't vore- it was up against a boss, and it was a forced yuri scene. Also, the controls were different- I think it used WASD and JKL.

Am I just dreaming up hentai games, or is this an actual thing I played at some point?