Seeking 2d Netorase Games


New Member
Jun 16, 2023
All my fellas,
Can you please recommend me some 2d Netorases Games.

I can only keep playing [Man Who Fell For A Knightess Whore Had His Cuckold Fetish Deepen] for so long.

So please fellas, please grant my degenerate ass some netorases. (preferably 2d) :D
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Active Member
Nov 25, 2020
But don't you steal the girl from a man in that game sir? no no sir, i don't want to steal I want to share
That's not really netorase anymore, just willing threesomes, but idk, you do you, i got nothing for that
Altough, technically you do share them, in the latter end of the game the cuck literally gets femenized (and in small parts is involved)
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