VN - Ren'Py - 30 Days [v0.3] [AllNatural]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Lord Soth

    I thought this might be a really good AVN as the story plot has a hunger games type vibe. It turned out pretty average so far. I find having choices in an AVN always ranks highly for me.


    Unfortunately the dev wants to retain such tight control over his story that it literally feels like a kinetic novel with most choices being made for the player.

    Choices I didn't appreciate for the most part.

    The dev picks the girls you get in your team and who he thinks the MC likes...i.e. MC fawning over Emma...dude i'm not interested in Emma! her facial features are just fugly (like Asami) and as for personality...yeah, ginger, obnoxious, tom boys is not my type...yuk. Also fawning over Rachel...and others....erm, that's usually what should be our personal preference.

    The dev also decides at one point he's going to make MC start groping the now slutty Emma and acting like a 12yo teen. Again, no say in the matter, so if you find Emma repulsive...well, tough.

    There is a chance to pick a girl for sex at the end of the good guy path in this update but something happens and dude gets blueballed...ofc :LOL:

    The part where the 2 little girls just grab the MC and start molesting him...this MC is a retard that stands there with his dick hanging out as a whole bunch of girls roll up and start talking...:FacePalm:

    That's another problem....i don't think i've seen so many ugly girls in an avn before and i've played hundreds of avns. I struggled to pick even one semi attractive girl and the one i did pick was a little blond nympho who gets given to the other guy anyway. Actually, on the bad guy route I found a half decent girl...Linda....hurrah! aaand not for long it turns out...oh ffs! well there goes the only decent looking one..

    Dialogue feels cringy at times and sometimes I was scratching my when some random girl comes out of nowhere and starts calling them "Dear" Maybe a translation thing?

    But yeah, convos don't seem natural at times. That could be due to the dev not having english as their mother tongue in all fairness I guess. Often it devolves to typical horny teen type stuff like "oh baby your pusssy looks nice.." lol.

    The MC alternates between indecisive wimp and (mostly) just a complete moronic teen perv at times, it was hard to like him. I had hoped for a strong leader type but that seems more like Emma than him. Occasionally he acts a bit macho but tends to get ignored lol.

    The bad path appealed more to me as MC might be a bit more assertive and it did feel more fun with the promise of more lewd stuff. The girls Linda and Megan are hotter than the 2 girls you gain on the good path. The story and dialogue seemed to flow better in this path and actually got me interested more.

    Renders are pretty much average, nothing great but not bad really.

    I get the dev wants to tell his story his way, but if the player has little choice over who he likes, what he can say or even actions, it's pretty reading a comic and it's annoying when the MC is gushing over some ugly girl you would never pick.

    Shame, i liked the story premise in this. Oh well, shit happens. At the end of the day it's the dev's story and if he wants to direct it on rail tracks, so be it.

    I noticed the discussion for this game was a bit heated and the dev getting a bit defensive, even going as far as calling out another reviewer a troll. Well, I can only say that you have to also expect critisicm from those that didn't enjoy your choices, it's part of putting your AVN out there. Peace.

    - Update. I added another star due to the bad route being more enjoyable. I feel 3 stars at this point is perfectly fair.
    Likes: Ziczic
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Different but not exception or anything (so far)

    1. Some models are not bad looking,
    2. Writing is OK, not great
    3. Story is interesting and is different than the usual so there is that.
    1. Some models are "fugly" IMO and the developer messed up Emma for me by replacing her, her previous model was better (not that, that one was great either)
    2. Models are generally not very good, considering the quality most players now have come to expect, its not horrible, but mediocre now.
    3. Choices are non-existent and those that are there are kinda rigged, like picking a chick at end of v0.2. Nor can you pick who you want from the teams.
    4. Writing, sentences, grammar, structure etc all need some more attention, maybe get someone that is proficient in English to check your dialogue before release.
    5. v0.2. not sure if there was a 0.1 but the content is very little, its more story and reading than anything else. I usually suggest having enough content with at least one decent lewd scene in your first release else its not going to rate well IMO.
    6. Story and premise seem actually good, but some characters are just totally bullshit, unless I live on another planet. Woman don't throw themselves at a random dude like that unless paid or complete sluts. Even then some pretext would be nice (talking about two early characters)
    Game has potential but IMO needs much more work, dialogue needs to be redone and structured better, models could IMO use some much needed work, at least which are clearly the love interests. More lewd would be nice, at least per update and updates should have more decent amount of content. I would even venture to include a glossary for players interested in background to the world, terms like mutants etc to provide more context, even more info the social, economical and technological conditions would helpful.

    TLDR: Decent but not great, feels a bit rushed and not REALLY thought out completely, looks dated, dialogue needs work and story + characters need to be fleshed out. More lewd! :p
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good premise. Believable Harem concept, relatively interesting universe.

    The game is currently not very developed and has only one choice in the first two updates, with only one path choice implemented. The game does not do a very good job of acknowledging your choice on the unimplemented path; I selected the path because I preferred the two characters on it in appearance and personality. However even after telling the game through my choice I prefer those two, I only end up with one of them in my group.

    This is kind of reflective of the big problems with the game at this point. You're forced into accepting two women into your four women harem with no input. Further, you character decides he likes these two women more than the others early on and with no input from the player. Why? The beauty of a game you're stuck in a game show with a ton of women is surely that you can pick which ones you like and at least try to convince them to join your harem? Even when the narrative expressly indicates this is going on, as two groups meet and are allowed to exchange characters, you're not permitted any choice as a player. You're completely stuck with women the game decides you find attractive and also find you attractive.

    This game would work much better if more women were open to pick, the balance of women in your group decided challenge outcomes, you had to actually convince women to like you, through a points system, with different women respecting different behaviour. It would also allow greater strategy. Why am I not even allowed to try to convince a character I think looks attractive and physically fit to join me? Instead I'm stuck with a party assigned by the game.

    Ok, I get you're trying to reduce the amount of choice early on, but then just write in universe that the game show already assigned the teams and start from there. The in universe writing and game mechanics don't align, which is frustrating. In universe, MC chooses his harem, but the player himself has no influence on it (the only decision that is provided in the game in this respect also has counterintuitive impacts).

    Further, creating a points system would allow real choice and consequence, as well as divergent play styles. Why are we forced to go through the game as a generically nice guy who doesn't want to exploit the situation? Surely that is but one of at least two approaches that could be taken, and in a fantasy game, surely the approach people might not feel they could take in the real world is one that deserves portrayal?

    The addition of "abilities" is lazy writing. Allow the negative outcomes these characters are forced into our party to prevent to be avoided by clever gameplay instead. It would be much more satisfying. Plus then we wouldn't be stuck with an unlikeable character who is plot essential (not talking about Emma, who is one of the better characters).

    Other issues arise from the fact the game is overly wordy and takes too long to get to the point at times. But the biggest current issue is the lack of choice, and the fact the affection of women is totally unearned. Creating a points based system with at least some dialogue choices would go a long way here, even if you want to keep genuine branching limited (although in a game like this you need a lot of branching, imo).

    Giving 4 stars for now because the premise is good, some of the characterization is good, and the dev is releasing updates at a good pace. I get the sense there is a desire to add more choice later. Hope this can occur without choices being added that all lead to "dead ends" if it isn't consistent with the Dev's "nice MC+2 main girls route".
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting concept yeah it's kind of fresh here but it could have been executed in better way. Renders and models are outdated. There is only Little content in this version and only one choice so far. This one also got overly used AI voice. Most of the girls are not interesting so far. Currently game lacks a wow factor. Will wait and see how this one develops and change my rating according to it. At intro of the game thought this gonna be violence and blood. But there is nothing so far.One girl got killed but just simple kill. For now this one's average for me. May be dev could change the title. Cause there's other game with the same name
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A strong start to a fresh idea. The game looks like it will have multiple impactful choices and consequences, that leads to different paths, different relationships and different scenes. It is certainly a very interesting take on the "hunger games" trope. Looking forward to future updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good start to the game with well defined characters and plenty of scope for a story. Having two paths so early in the game might become quite problematic as I have seen many games where the alternative path is either left to wallow or is less fleshed out than the 'main' path. There are some inconsistencies with the competitors' lack of knowledge of the consequences of the 'game' and its set up. I suppose you could argue Squid Game has a similar premise, but the subset of Squid Game competitors seemed to be in a higher level of dire straits then this group who mainly seem relatively well off.

    That said, it is a game, has great models and the developer seems to be in it for the long haul. Best of luck.