- Apr 23, 2018
- 386
- 1,619
This PowerShell script is helpful when TyranoBuilder game is merged with copy /b tyranoscript.exe+app.nw game.exe command into single exe. It allows separating main TyranoScript executable and game resources for translation. Run this script first and use -Unpack in command line (or manually unpack data.zip file to the game folder) then run resulting exe file to use unpacked resources. data.zip and game.old files can be deleted afterwards or kept as backup.
The script should be copied to and started in command line from directory containing game executable. The directory's path mustn't contain
Edit: Added option to unpack data.zip automatically, just add -Unpack to command line.
cd D:\the game dir\
powershell -executionPolicy bypass -file "tyranocut.ps1" -Unpack -GameExeName "game.exe"
or ]
characters due to PowerShell quirks.Edit: Added option to unpack data.zip automatically, just add -Unpack to command line.
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