Others A Brothel Muses' Tale - AIPG - Devlog


New Member
Dec 25, 2020
Hey everyone, this is going to be the devlog for a game I'm slowly working on.

It will be a text-based RPG where you take the role of a sex worker and live your life out as a sweetheart of a brothel in a faraway town.

Or rather, that's the idea, but where the real heart of the project lies is in the four letters: AIPG. AI, referring to Artificial Intelligence, and PG, referring to Procedural Generation.

The main driver of the game is that every single character will be procedurally generated, with their own appearances, sexual tastes, personalities, and more. Every interaction is meant to be unique, as the AI will respond to your input and generate a story for you that is completely unique from anyone elses'. I believe by marrying these two concepts, I can make something that is consistently fresh.

Right now the entire game is coded in Python; built from the ground up, and that's how I plan to keep it. The project is not only for the sake of itself, but also as a way for me to practice and flesh out my development skills.

I'll be making updates continuously, and plan to have some sort of release sometime soon. Although it'll be in extreme alpha for a long time.

Right now the game is extremely simplistic and very predictable; as such is the nature of a procgen game with little defined data to draw off of. The idea is that as I build onto the game, the AI and procgen will work together to interweave amongst eachother a fresh experience.

Anyways, here's what I have so far:

You can generate characters randomly, and get unique appearances, sexual preferences, skills, propensities, etc. Personality is still a missing part, but itll come.

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There's obviously still a LOT to go, but this is just to show the skeleton and proof of concept of my project. Hopefully before too long I'll have more built and be able to post it as something you can actually play. For now, this is just a place to keep myself accountable :)

Thanks for looking!


New Member
Dec 25, 2020
Entry #2:
Worked a bunch today on making interactions work. Its still very rough, but we're getting somewhere.

Here's 3 different "make outs" between a female and 3 different male chars.

Notice that they play out differently. The more the two characters like kissing, the longer the interaction is.The interactions vary as well, but there isnt too much logic behind how the interactions play out... yet.




I'm still trying to figure how best to present the outcome of events. Obviously, its a game so having it output natural-sounding smut is gonna be difficult, just by nature of procgen and what I'm capable of, but at the same time it does have to be interesting and enticing enough to paint a good picture in your mind, else whats the point?

Anywho, it works, so I'll keep building.


New Member
Dec 25, 2020
Entry #3:

Okay so change of plans; I was not satisfied with how things were looking, so I've decided to overhaul the whole project. Better now than later of course.

I dont have a ton to show for it, but here's the results of the change thus far:


Sure, it doesn't look like a big change, but under the hood is entirely different.

Before it was basically just a decision tree that continuously branched out depending on the situation. Not exactly the AI I set out to make.

Now however, the characters have the ability to:
- remember and recall any event they've seen
- react to the dialog and actions of other chars
- act on their own according to their desires

There is now an event log in each environment that tracks everything every char does, so that characters can build memory and react accordingly.

I'm MUCH happier with the foundation now.
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