VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - A Clever Name [v0.04.7] [RandyJMarsh]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The worst thing I can call the game out for is the renders and the quality isn't necessarily bad for honey select but it's not the best and it's HS so if you aren't into the previews then probably not for you.

    If you're still reading then I highly recommend it. Personally, it's peak. Objectively, it's still peak with some caveats. First and foremost, I write and prefer to read reviews within the context of what the game is and/or is trying to be. If you want gameplay and a lot of choice then yeah it ain't objectively peak. If you want a light hearted/wholesome fuck fest then yeah it's pretty fucking peak. Unfortunately un update will likely be one of my many unrequited wishes going forward but it does provide several hours of content

    The game is wholesome with every love interest consenting and accepting of the harem and each other and this extends to the sex which happens about every other scene really. I'd like to write more but it's quite difficult to write about a game where it's greatest strength is it's simplicity.

    All girls fall into some relatively simple archetype but simultaneously don't fall into those trope traps or inversely, force deep introspection or anything like that. Clear writing coupled with hardly any grammatical errors make the reading experience very smooth on the brain and eyes.

    The plot is slice of life with hardly any conflict and everything being handled with extreme maturity. MC is peak and unfortunately puts a lot of others to shame with how mature and chill he is so it's never grating to read his dialogue especially since there's only one scene where the mc is actually talking to himself and its 5 lines and just a joke within the story. I've tried to explain what's so good about the game, but some of the reviews below this one are much more concise and I agree with them.

    Fetishes and other particularities worth mentioning are the trans,lesbian,swinging, and urination tags.
    The trans and urination tags are technically optional but avoiding them cuts out a ton of content and are pretty integral to the general feel of the game (can't say plot or story as there really isn't much but it would feel as something was missing without them) plus Jamie is the best girl in my opinion, objectively. Lesbian and swinging are much less optional as the girls (including the trans girl if you pursue her) will have sex and engage in sexual acts with each other with and without MC present, but it is always consensual between all parties involved. That's kinda where the "fuck fest" really comes into play and it's great if that's something you're interested in.

    If you want a break from drama or dark plots, goofy nonsensical incest, grinding, or whatever else you are or aren't into and just want to chill then I couldn't recommend A Clever Name enough.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    So, on the off chance that anyone here actually follows my ratings (and I hope they don't because surely there are better things to do with your time), you will know that I like realistic narratives and slow build-ups in games. This game has neither of those, which is a real testament to just how good it actually is.

    There is no real story here. You have a penis. Every person with boobs that you meet wants that penis. The end. You fuck your sister in the very first scene that she is in (unless of course you opt out). But through it all, this game has an infectious sort of charm that completely lowers my defenses and makes me love a game that, by all reason, I should hate.

    For starters, I love that the dev allows you to opt out of every fetish that you run into. I don't care if it makes me sound lame - getting consent is sexy. I love that the MC is neither a mouth-breathing ball of aggression, nor a put-upon naive doormat. Other devs, take notice: It is possible to make a game without those archetypes! This dev has somehow avoided all of the hacky overused tropes: The script is not littered with self-referential "humor." At no point are you on the run from some shadowy para-governmental agency. At no point does the MC whine about his rich father not understanding him. At no point are you forced to click around on a sandbox for no reason whatsoever. And, most shockingly, at no point does your character dream of a sex sequence. Let me repeat that for the cheap seats: There. Are. No. Dream. Sequences! Hallelujah!

    With a little money and some decent renders, this guy might just churn out the Citizen Kane of porn games.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    No real plot is in the description and is quite accurate. But if you like the kind of h content it has, it's pretty good

    It is some kind of a fuck fest where everything is thrown at you and you just enjoy the show, while a few choices allow you to tailor the experience to what you'd like - such as disabling futa or not.

    Thanks for this!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Quite alot of content, not bad like bad, but its very average. The game is also silly and super fast paced so the scenes dont have have much extra value in character devvelopment.
    Didnt find th scenes particulrilky good, its mainle the same thing already seen 10000 times.
    This is the second time I play it, first time I abandoned halfway throw, and this time I played a little more, cause some characters were introduced, but its the same depth than others, and one of them is not "sexable" so I skipp through the end.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Played through 4 times now and might be my favorite game on here. So thought I better rate it. If you don't have a watching girls pee fetish you will after playing this great game (optional). "Mmm Strawberries", The characters are great and the banter is funny and easy going. Don't skip the trans content, Jamie is great and creates a thrilling story that should not be missed. "Yay bath time". "Sploosh".
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    A Clever Name [v0.04.5]

    Story = Story is complicated, some is nice, but some is really bad.
    Sound = Nope, there is nothing.
    Amount of content = There is a good amount of content for 7 updates. why i give the game 1 stars? That's because of the mc, the mc is a complete empty guy, the only thing that is important for him is fucking, he is literally just a walking dildo that bring money, all the girls make some stupid jokes about him, and in any moment he said anything, for example, his sister that once needed a lot of him, later in the game, after some girls goes living with him, she make some bad comments like "i don't need you anymore" (the guy that helped her a lot, she don't have any respect, even if that was a joke, she could think that this is the guy that helped her when she most needed), another thing is the open relationship, while in some games that is not something that bother me, in this one does, is bad in my opinion, why you ask, because the way that they treat the mc as a walking dildo, not someone that they love or care, just a meat dildo that have money, i have never seen any kinda of true love, just when they need him for sex, if the game was about only the girls, it was a 5/5. Some people said that the mc is a "beta", but for me, he is not even that, he is just there for the game have a male mc tag, his personality is really bad, is a complete pathetic character while the girls are in some extent, well written, if you erase him of the story, and put any of the girls as a main character, is much better than him.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I've spent the better part of 2 years in lockdown playing every single H game that even remotely interested me. I've played high budget "legit" H games made by a team of people as well as games made by a single person. I've seen plenty good and bad games, I'veseen plenty wacky fetishes.

    Despite all that, this game blew me away. An unexpected gem. I've recounted the story and choices to a few of my friends who I have forced to listen to me tell them about all the crazy shit I've seen yet every one of them said the same thing "That's so legit". Sure, the story isn't unique, the dialogue isn't ground-breaking. But you have put together existing ideas in a brilliant way. I love the concept of a Visual Novel as essentially a choose your own adventure book but 9/10 there's no choices and when there are, they hardly affect anything. But here, some choices can have a fairly large impact.

    I am deeply impressed by your work, if I had the money and this was on steam or I would pay for this. Keep up the good work and finish this game, beware that motivational block that sees so many H games abandoned. Please, please finish this!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    An absolutely brilliant game that fits nicely into the Slice of Life category. There isn't a roller coaster here, but just people living their lives, having fun and dealing with some of the issues that come along. (With fairies). The most conflict you will find here is with Jamie's arc and that does not last too long (at the time of writing).

    There is a great deal of pee fetish here, which is excellent and I hope will continue to be expanded on with additional actions (wetting, drinking, multiple girls).

    The characters are all great and the girls are all friendly and amazing. Zoe is my current favourite and she was only recently added to the game.

    My only nitpick might be the use of HS/illusion, as you see the same animations, poses etc that you have probably seen 100 times. For a first game though, its understandable to use HS for the ease of rendering. Even then this is not enough to ower my score.

    In short, more girls, more group sex, more pee. Game is crackin'.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Pee fetish, a visual novel: 5 stars.

    No really, that's 100% my jam, and I couldn't be happier to have a game that is at least decent in all other departments and caters to this fetish of mine so heavily. Please sir, can I have some more.

    The early renders are not great, but they get better as the game goes on and become solidly "good" by the end. The characters are not really believable at all, but they're fun to watch play out their antics. The chubby red-head, the horny short-stack, and the total perv fairy add some very appreciated variety you don't see in most games. And getting to stick your finger in the tiny fairy hole is pure bliss.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really great. It doesn't take itself too seriously nor does it try to bog you down with a ton of lore and back story and I love that. This game in no way is revolutionizing the industry nor breaking the mold but there is nothing wrong with that. It is what it is, a porn game with a story, and for that it is great. Each of the girls are distinct both visually and personality wise. Other reviews mention it so why wouldn't I? Jamie is great and probably the best trans character I have ever seen in a VN, she's never used as prop or just to have the tag, she genuinely fits in with the harem and she never feels left out. The more uncommon fetishes (urine and trans) aren't forced and if you say no the first time it comes up you won't see it which is great and I wish more games did. The dev shows great respect for Jamie being trans, for the fetishes and for the characters themselves and for that I have tremendous respect for the dev.

    I am however still waiting to give that fairy what she really wants and split her in half....
    To be completely fair all the girls are great.

    4.7 out of 5, would play again.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all,, I wanna say this to the developer, and your fanbase. I didn't like this at all, but a lot of people absolutely love this game. They're not hurting anyone, and neither are you. No one made me play this, and if I had the power to get rid of this game, I honestly wouldn't. I imagine you're having fun making this, so please, don't let some random person on the internet let you stop enjoying your bliss. And hey, if you make another game like this, but it's finishable in an hour, let me know.

    Hell, I've gotten bored and tried to write a couple bizarre Skyrim and pokemon fanfics before, and I actually wish I could find the drive to continue them. I'm actually kinda jealous that you're able to keep doing something like this, when I couldn't stay interested in them for more than like 2 weeks.


    As for some constructive criticism. Figure out when to end scenes, and edit things. This might have been a little more fun if it was put into episodes or something.

    And please, run the script through a spell and grammar checker. It's funny at first, but again, after a half hour i's just kinda obnoxious
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is bonkers. The story makes no sense, the characters are completely unbelievable, and there is basically no plot or character development.

    So why did I give it 5 stars, you might wonder? Well, dear reader, I will break it down for you, star-by-star:
    • While the story is mediocre, it's not actively bad. It deserves at least half of a star simply for reaching that bar. 0.5/5
    • The writing itself is actually not bad. The grammar and spelling is pretty decent which puts it above average for adult games considering how many games have devs who barely speak English and don't have proofreaders. That's another star right there. 1.5/5
    • The H-scenes are pretty good. The renders aren't incredible, but they are definitely hot enough to get the job done. The models are also pretty varied. Another star. 2.5/5
    • The diversity of H-scenes is also pretty great. There are a lot of fetishes covered here and I can only assume there will be even more. Harem, Incest, Feet, Watersports, minor dom/sub, etc... Another star. 3.5/5
    • Finally, I am giving this game an entire star and a half just for having a solid trans character with a lot of content. I'm so fuckin' sick of games on this site that have the futa/trans tag and little more than zero content. It's so frustrating when you download a game with that tag and, in 6+ hours of content, there is only one or two renders (not even a full scene!) of futa/trans content -- sometimes even in completed games.

      Finally, some good fuckin' trans content. 5/5
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I cant say enough about this game. I love it so much. I have feel in live with the Transgirl Jamie. The respect that the DEV gave the trans community was what really hooked me. I love all the girls, but Jamie stole my heart.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    I like this game. Although using Koikatsu or Honey Select graphics it has done it well, story treads beautifully that line between fantasy and realism as well.

    There are a small variety of fetishes, pee being one that can be frequent and yet the developer let's you avoid this. What I personally like, and anyone who knows me by now will not be surprised, is that you can also in this game have a futa/trans girlfriend and watch tv/play games and share the girls without any animosity while fist bumping each other in mutual respect. (Note I may have exagerrated the fist bump...). But even if not into that it may be the case, I haven't checked though, that you can avoid it.

    Storyline is finding a magical fairy and gradually building a harem. It works like a kinetic novel with a few choices here and there. The story deals with social issues as well, such as dealing with aforementioned futa/trans girls family. At 0.4. it still is probably early days for the game yet and I wait to see what else there is. That said there is a decent amount of stuff already in game so do have a look.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Compared to other games, it doesn't have much of a story or great renders, but for what it is it's pretty fantastic. It's simple dirty fun and those are the kind of games I love. Play it without any expectations and enjoy the scenes.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has some of the best h-scenes.
    The author is clearly a man of culture. You can feel the attention to detail and the characters, they feel alive.
    I hope the author will continue this project for a very long time and treat us with new content.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    'tis a prime example of why one shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

    Granted, it's not a high-gloss DAZ title about to blow your mind with a brilliantly convoluted plot, but it still is highly entertaining. Hidden behind an obscure name and a rather uninviting description, dressed in Honey Select to boot, one will find hours chock-full of honest fun!

    The game jumps directly into the action of the MC managing to not only have a horny fairy bound to him but also to surround himself with a diverse bunch of sex-positive girls in various states of lewdness and perversion. The different fetishes (namely incest, trans, and watersports) are very well integrated and offer choices on how far to escalate things.

    The main draw of this title are the interactions between the characters; the banter, the bets, the instigations. Especially if one opted for having the trans character enter the harem. The story hits several sweet spots of when and how to escalate things, and when to introduce new characters. Parts of it are serious, others somewhat silly really, but none seem out of place. The overall effect is quite engrossing and kept me playing way past sensible hours. Time well spent.

    This was found to be fantastic as well as highly addictive. Perverts discretion is advised.
    based on 0.04
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Hug Attack!

    Yeah ofc not the highest quality render around ;) and the story maybe isn't as deep as the ocean...

    But now everytime i see someone talkn to emself i just think about a fairy sitting on the head...

    And for a v0.04 i think the content amount is quite high ...
    There could be a few more "switches" for content selection but it's not like you enter a dark corner if you play with different elements, still a good mix.

    4/5 cause the cats/dogs didn't get the new enclosure...SHAME!
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Woodland Nomad

    I love this game. It's a great game if you're not into the pee stuff but if you are into it then this game will make you very happy. The models are cute, there's a gallery, and the dialogue is great too.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Well I think the idea of this game is pretty unique and it works out very well
    the trans thing in the harem is kinda new for me and I'm not into it very much but I love MMF stuff without rape or ntr and being trans in a harem game is something really unique about the render and animation is not the best level but it's not that bad and Dev shouldn't have been holding down by negative reviews and keep doing your own way that makes this game more unique for me (y)