VN - Ren'Py - A Dark Horse Riding [Ch. 2.0B Beta] [Turning Tricks]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the update!! Very sexy and fun And still loving the characters
    Can't wait to see more, super excited for these drops!
    (and yea, totally ok w/ the mom being a prostitute, makes 110% sense, hot, and wouldn't mind seeing her going back to doing that, as well as other women in his life
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    (Review for Ch. 2.0b beta)

    This is an AVN with an uncommon premise where a mature MC is a biker who runs a strip club and has magical powers that let him summon spirits and things like that. As part of the storyline he reconnects to his family, so he gets to get "close" to mom, his sister and her daughter, and finally an unexpected daughter he had with a one night stand.

    Animations are basic beyond the fact that you can switch between two camera angles, and there's also maybe too much sleep sex. However, the girls look hot and things can get even more interesting later. Worth checking out for those with an incest kink.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Story: ★★★★★

    This game has a solid foundation of an interesting story. The life of MC is full of challenges, secrets and temptations.

    Lewd content: ★★★★☆

    Progressing by perving on girls when they sleep seems quite lame to me... But the idea that magicians need sex to regulate their energies is less common in AVNs and pretty smart.

    Writing: ★★★★★

    Dialogs are well focused. There's a nice bit of humor (e.g. the accident when the energies go awry).

    Models: ★★★★☆

    Women are pretty. They are of very different ages and body types. I'd like more natural petite breasts (and more of those in general), but apart from that all is well.

    Renders and UI: ★★★★★

    UI could be better polished in a few places, but it's still convenient and unobtrusive. The list of characters really helps. No complaints about rendering quality, composition, contents.

    General impression:

    Waiting for the next release! :love:
    [Ch. 1.51b Beta]
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    If the kinks in here are your kinks, this is totally awesome and hot, even early on. Art is very descent, the story is descent with potential to grow, the teasy stuff is pretty hot.. Honestly (long as these are your kinks, don't complain if they're not) no reason you wouldn't give this game a try for yourself. I'm certainly curious for updates - both this one and the parallel one
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I played bad games before, but this is just horrendous.
    we get a boring, repetitive (oh look another girl ends up homeless and has to crashat MC's place), predictable (I can tell MC is the father of Kimmy and even Lisa) story wth scenes that drag for far too long (the massage scene could've been shorter and it would still be boring and bland)

    I would've been fine with the story if the models at least looked passable, unfortunately the dev picked the most ass-less planks (the MC keeps commenting on girls's asses that are non existent) and the ugliest hairstyles (Kimmy starts with an early justin bieber hair-helmet). as if that wasn't enough we play as an expressonless ugly mofo.
    fun fact: the game lets you set MC's age, but reverts to the default set by the developer

    if for some reason you still decide to play this "game" make sure tomute the sounds as it comes with some cringy sound effects
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    i would say the VN/game is not to bad although the MC looks like he is on the wrong side of 60 although you are given the option to change his age from 54 to 46 which is what i did but he still looks as though he is on the wrong side of 60 that being said i would say it is a breath of fresh air to finally have a incest game/VN that is not set in a high school/college setting and the MC is in his early 20's or late teens so that is a good thing here in fact a great thing even though the MC is disgusting to look at but then again so are they all if they are male MC which is what this one is . now others have mentioned the hair style a little bit their was no reason this early on to change the hair style at all of the daughter it was not really integral to the story really except for maybe for rendering issues but still now she and the niece come off a total dyke lesbians nothing wrong with that but very few characters can pull off that look . aside from the MC looking to aged and the daughter looking like a dyke even though i doubt she is renders in general are actually not bad they are in fact .unique to this VN/game as no one has copy/pasted these renders "yet" and the story is okay it could be better but it is not bad it is worth playing and maybe even subbing to in the future but the VN is still young and it is early im sure the dev will only improve from here , i would of given 3.5 stars but you cant rate it like that so kudos to you look forward to future installments
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This was a fantastic first release. The story is interesting so far, the girls are cute and the graphics are good. MC is the right blend of decent but pervy. The niece is freaking adorable. I am excited to see what the dev has in store!
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Norman Knight

    Where to begin :HideThePain:

    -The renders are somewhat decent, but there is more than a few problems, for example the proportions, some areas look WAY too big from the inside, while the characters look way too small, the animations are ok for the most part, but the real problem, is the models, JESUS CHRIST.
    Something went horribly wrong while designing that MC, there is not a single render where he doesn't look either hideous or like a creep, and there's a lot to be said about his creepiness, but that's a point for later.
    His expressions are all over the place, from exaggerated, to creepy, to downright horrible, and that's not counting the Vietnam flashback look he has 80% of the time, even while watching tv!, with his sister next to him!, its ridiculous how many times you see him remembering those napalm festivals back in ´Nam.
    There is also the problem with his age, hes supposed to be "54", but looking at him you wouldn't think hes a day under 70, the expressions certainly don't help, they just accentuate how old he actually LOOKS.
    As for the other characters, they are also all over the place, the sister looks fine for the most part, shes the best looking character of the main group, but the dev keeps using words like "Massive" to describe her breasts, and just by looking at the render one can tell that they are not, in fact, massive.
    The niece, she would look A LOT better if she didn't had that horrible hair cut, it doesn't fit her, like at all.
    And the we have Agnes, she was my favorite, and she looked nice, but then the dev decided to change her hair, the explanations for it, out and in universe sort of makes, but the change from long hair, to short and curly, with HIGHLIGHTS, makes little to no sense, its just served to perpetuate the stereotype of dark skinned people just having 2 hair styles, Afro, or a Vanilla Ice looking thing that just terrible, so many choices, and that's the one we get, it honestly ruined the character for me.

    -Not much can be said about it cause there is not much story yet, its the beginning of the game after all, but aside from the main story there is some thing to mention.
    -The MC runs a respected biker gang, that is not violent, doesn't do illegal things, as far as we know, and its just overall, a band of fifty somethings still living their middle age crisis, fun.
    -The MC, whiting the story whoever, is a big NO, calling him a creep would be generous, first thing he does while his family just arrived and went to sleep, is to go their rooms to creep on them, and then a new girl arrives, and he creeps on her too, and he does it to all of them, every single night, like BRUH, hes supposed to be a 50 something guy, not a teenager, this sort thing makes more sense, while still being cringe, from a young 18-20 years old guy whose hormones are raging like crazy, and the fact that he creeps on a girl 30 years younger than him just makes it worse, MUCH worse.
    -But hes not alone, it seems it runs in the family, her sister also likes to creep on people, and even her own daughter, nice, and their mom was shown flashing her 16 years old son in a flashback, truly wholesome.
    -What is the fixation with the number 16, the mom was 16 when she had the MC, the MC was 16 when the mom had the sister, the sister was 16 when she had her daughter, thank fucking god no one in the game is 16, cause that would increase the SUS levels to insane highs

    -The MC: I think by this point you get the idea, but I cant explain enouhg how creepy it is that a 54 years old guy is molesting his family while they sleep, is just a big NAH for me
    -The sister: Shes a tease, and a light creep, but still has her moments
    -Niece: Shes mostly forgetable, the only thing one is likely to remember about her is her hair
    -The Mom: She was already SUS from the begining, with that flashback making you raise an eyebrow, but then when you meet her in the present day...............lets just say some ideas should stay in your head, they might sounds nice to you, but they are terrible once applied to a VN
    -The Bikers: They are mostly there to remind you that they are a thing, they are not all that relevant
    -Massagist girl: A walking Asian stereotype, it goes into outright racist territory once you hear her whole story, in fact, all the minorities shown so far are stereotypes, nice

    Overall, this VN stumbles in almost every way.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, well! what a surprise. This game strikes all the right points for me. Amazing renders with entertaining and intriguing writing, and no beating around the bush with the gameplay. All the models are highly detailed and lively, scenes are decently paced and directed. The story takes a good amount of subtle twists and turns. An edition of some bloody actions would fit right at home here. Write that down dev :LOL:! Seeing "multiple endings" kinda spooks me a little. But nah, the dev knows what they are doing. Looking forward to the next update.