Ren'Py - A Family Venture [v0.09 V1 Beta] [WillTylor]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure please read review, 5 recommend

    I played this for a lot longer than I'd like to admit and I felt cheated by the sunk cost of time spent and the subsequent mediocre payoff.

    Lets talk pacing, there a long stretches of this game where nothing happens or can happen, you can't progress the story until you get characters to certain levels of their stats which just mean repeating the exact same scene over and over and over and over and over and over, again. Did you notice how instead of 3 "over"s I had 6? which is far too many? That's what the game does. 3 times should be the max, it starts to get boring on the third time just move on. There is very little progress to be made in the game and you have to progress to certain points in each story line before you can progress in the next one, so instead of doing story lines simultaneously you have to do them for the most part one by one. You can't just skip though days either you need to do the same task every afternoon instance in order to keep earning money so it drags on even more.

    The game's story heavily involves NTR, credit to the developer for the NTR elements being optional and explicitly telling the player whenever the NTR option shows up, but it's so prevalent it bleeds into the non-NTR run of the game. I mean the point of the game is to pay of the mob every week so your mom doesn't have to be a stripper for them. The younger sisters story line is entirely about making sure she doesn't fuck your worst enemy for a bet. I don't recommend this game at all but I especially don't recommend it if you don't like NTR.

    The walkthrough for this game is 67 pages long, every 3 pages encompassing a week. 1 day of the week contains 5 time instances. It is during these time instances when sex events occur. If you do the math the walkthrough for this game covers ~781 instances over 22 weeks. As of writing the game has 80 non-NTR events. That means a little over 10% of the game is sex scenes and a little less than 90% of the game is not. If you make a porn game where 90% of it isn't porn you have made a bad porn game, there I proved it mathematically.

    I think there could be a better game in this mess, reduce the amount of clicks it takes to interact with basically anything, make it so the events can efficiently line up and can be done simultaneously, change how many times you need to repeat scenes to progress, turn the "libido" stat into an on or off switch, and a number of other basic changes and you might have a game worth playing. I don't plan to stick around on the hope that those changes get implemented and I don't think you should either.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually hate these types of games but the grind in this one didn't feel bad. I laughed more times than I care to admit and usually at the expense of Sydney, especially early on. Great job with this one. My only complaint would be the interface.
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    after playing it for about 7 hours i came to the conclussion that it does not have any sex scene (vaginal sex) with any of the main females

    and i reached the stage where mandy is giving me handjobs, but the story don t fking progress man, the days keep advancing and i feel myself waiting for the juicy days of blackmaling from agente diaz and the mafia and it's just the same , and im tired of play this shit

  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Kog Astarta

    it seems that according to the screenshots everything should be slightly perverted, which is a plus, but. the game, even with cheats, is a rather wild grind, neither the characters nor the scenes are worth it.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 0.7

    Overview: Grind some cash to save your family, and grind your relationship with them to unlock sex scenes.

    Story: Stop me if you have heard this one before. You are a shiftless college student living at home with his mother and sisters who suddenly discovers that he has a gigantic oversized penis and decides that it needs to be inside of all of his family members. Also, your dad is suddenly out of the picture and there are mob guys extorting you for cash every week.

    Along the way you'll discover that your sisters are into sexy cosplay and student politics. Eventually your aunt and slutty niece move in.

    To tell the truth I played this game some time ago and managed to forget about it entirely. Even now I'm struggling to remember half of the plot points.

    Graphics: They are decent enough. There are some short animations but they don't enhance the game much.

    Gameplay: Frankly it's kind awful. Everything needs too many mouse clicks and it's often not clear what actions are available. The in-game hint system seems unreliable. In fact the game seems to have a lot of bugs. I worked for almost a full week earning $200-$400 every time and somehow managed to be flat broke for no apparent reason. There's a painting minigame with the election storyline that seems very glitchy, where I produce a Rembrant in the minigame, but then put up some turd a couple of scenes later. Everything is grindy of course, but usually the grind isn't too outrageous.

    The most annoying part is the game has a bad habit of letting you level up a girl into pre-sex molesting and then silently running out of content. Very early on you unlock molesting your mom in her sleep, quickly work your way up to hotdogging her ass and a foot job, then just stop and for hours and hours of gameplay afterward nothing changes. You can visit every night and repeat the hotdogging scene, but that's it. Your younger sister is basically the same. Your cousin has a truth or dare game that ends up going nowhere that you can repeat every night. There are cosplay events and running events that stop before you go too far.

    Conclusion: The run of the mill plot combined with the poor UI and mediocre sex scenes make this game hard to reccommend. It's playable and you can fap to it, but there are a lot of better games on this site.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is goofy, ridiculous. But it's fully consistent and "realistic" in its own fictional universe, which sucks you in. Overall I was very impressed with it, an unexpected gem with some really hot scenes, that you have to work hard to get to, which makes it satisfying.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Another grindfest game where you play a "21" year old guy ( in the body of a 12 year old... or midget...) who have to fuck his family because he's a fucking pervert with a big penis

    The story is stupid, you have to pay money because your daddy who is in jail took a loan from mafia. And if you don't pay or worse tell the fbi the mafia will prostitute you and your family

    What does you do... ? prostitute your mother in the very first day to pay for the loan.

    Slow clap.... genius move
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    As someone who does not like NTR, I can say this game is probably the most enjoyable out of the dozens of games who try to cater to both sides of the aisle.

    The sandbox feature isn't a borefest like most of the games of this genre where you have to "Achieve goal X, Y number times to unlock scene Z (mostly miniscule plot progression)". The repercussions of each step(or misstep) progresses the story at least enough for my liking. Menus are also fairly easy to navigate and don't take away too much time from the actual gameplay.

    The LIs have distinct personalities and are generally likable (even Megan is one of my favorite girls). I also personally find it refreshing that the LIs of this game do not have plus-sized, disproportional boobs and booties and are of the more believable body types for their age.

    The MC however is a different story. I get that at his age, he is bound to be irrational and dumb, but I feel like this trope is slightly overused in this game. Of course, this is but a subjective judgment.

    The only reason I can only give this 4 stars is because of my disdain for NTR. This however does not take away from the 'Loyalty' route of this game which I think is one of the best from this genre.

    The dev inserting himself into the story also tells me that he cares about this project and this is a good sign moving forward.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    has a lot of the elements to be a great game. Interesting characters and a decent storyline are consistent here. The story’s concept is also very good with some minor pacing issues. Some of these issues may be resolved as we get later into the development of the game. I am hopeful the finished product can tie up all the loose ends. Photo shoot scenes were dope.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    First things first ... The christmas episode was one of the best I've played so far.
    The game is a little grindy to get new scenes. you can also use the mod included in the game to make changes. It was a nice addition.
    Most of the animations are good.
    The problem is the frequency of updates for this game.
    For me it's a big issue to give the 4 stars and above rating.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I should love this game, seriously, it has a lot of my favourite things: Clever, spicy premise? Check. Colourful, cinematic renders? Check. Sexy set-ups? Check. Beautiful, sexually confident milf? Double-check. But... sigh... the execution makes it so very difficult to enjoy.

    Father is suddenly absent, and son has to assume the mantle of master of the house, with all the fringe benefits. This is one of the most common plots on this site, but I think this game sets it up really well, with a fresh and engaging verve. The addition of the organized crime element creates tension, and making mom complicit adds a nasty, lewd undercurrent that I think goes great with the colourful, playful renders. You know what? It's like that Tom Cruise movie, Risky Business.

    But that's about all I can say that's good. This is a game; most of the mechanics are straightforward, except for an irritating relationship points system that forces grinding. While the mafia-strip club element is by far the best thing going on, it fades away and is supplanted by the machinations of school elections and cosplay. It's like the adults left and the children took over.

    The childishness is made worse by the fact that many characters, including the MC, are too young (imho) to really enjoy the lewdness. The MC should be close to graduating, but instead he's just learning that women have boobies. I find it hard to believe that the mom's libido would be stimulated by her tubby little manlet. After all, she's a gorgeous, worldly woman surrounded by tough, grown-up gangsters.

    There's a kind of play on the Oedipus theme going on, but, as I recall, Oedipus was a mature man in the prime of his vigour when Jocasta
    laid eyes on him.

    A lot of the writing is arch, wink-wink, and tries to be meta. But, ya know, comedy is hard., and the writing can be very lazy. There's a lot of inner monologues, which is a trick writers use to add narration when they don't want to be accused of narrating. It's really tedious. The mom's thoughts as I imagine them are far more interesting than what the Dev tells me they are.
    And sometimes the writing is just begging for rotten vegetables, like when the MC explains to his mom that grinding in VNs serves a useful purpose. I dunno, that's like painting a target on yourself. I can almost hear the chorus of boos.

    What is funny, I think, are the the changes in expressions - the rendering of facial expressions is really good. In fact, the renders in general are excellent imho, very animated (I mean that figuratively) and lively.

    We all know them, right? The VN with the amazing start that got abandoned, or finished too quickly, or decided to add magic, or aliens, or, in this case, let the children take over. Too bad.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I normally don't give such a low rating for games on here, but overall this is one of the biggest grindfest games I've ever played. The amount of times that the same events are repeated over and over is beyond ridiculous. I'm sure it takes a lot to make an adult VN, but this one probably takes the cake for being one of the most boring. I've played a lot of of adult games from f95 and other sites.

    The so called animations are pretty poor for a game being made for 2 years now considering how far game engines have come along. One to two second loops for sex animations?

    The fact is you only can have sex with 3 women in the game after 2 years of production? Most other harem / family games I've played over the last 3 to 4 years allow the MC to have sex with at least 6 to 15 women. Some more than that, but those games can get pretty confusing.

    This game has or had a lot of potential, but overall has become stagnant not only with the storylines, but with the "fun" you can have. The dev should either finish up the game at it's current point and shut it down, or maybe get outside help to bring the game to life again.

    TBH the pregnancy tag should be removed considering you only see it in a weird Christmas dream and doesn't happen in actual gameplay. Or the fact the MC only has sex with "mom" Jackie in 2 dream sequences is pretty bad.

    I honestly don't know how this game is getting ratings above 3 stars in it's current state. Maybe in another 2 to 3 years if it's still being makd I might raise the rating. I can't justify giving anything higher and wouldn't recommend it with the amount of grind required even using the built in cheat.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    An open sandbox game that talks about a young man the MC that suddenly becomes the man of the house because his dad is sent to jail by the FBI, now you need to pay up the mafia as your stupid dad took a huge loan from them and they want the money back, or at least the interest for now. If you fail your mother and sisters will be sold as slaves to their brothels, so you must do everything to get the cash and at the same time, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor as you slowly corrupt your family.

    Extraordinary aspects of the game:

    What is good:
    Some logic to the game and story, average sexy scenes.

    What is bad:
    The models are dated and their facial expressions will haunt your dreams. Grindy as fuck, it takes years till you get to the first real sex scene took me days to get there… days.

    What can be made better:
    A lot, but at the same time so little as their enough stuff that the game does fine.

    My opinion:
    In general, the game is alright, it has some interesting sexual scenes here and there, even though the models aren't the best they are still passable as humans.

    The most problem with the game is that it's really grindy I had to repeat many scenes again and again, just to increase the stats so I could continue at the same time grinding money so the family won't be sold to the mafia, with created an annoying loop where I had to repeat an action but I can’t because I don’t have enough cash for the mafia.

    It's an interesting idea but in the end, I still feel that I wasted a lot of time for nothing, because of those reasons I give the game an alright score.

    If you want more reviews/recommendation check out my list [Link]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR - I have no clue why so many rate 2 or fewer stars. This game is a sexy, quirky gem - try it.

    ::: Review of Version 0.07 :::

    Models - 8/10
    Writing - 7 / 10* [enjoy camp? 9/10]
    Plot - 8/10
    Programming - 8/10
    Sex Scenes - 9/10
    Overall - 8/10

    I really enjoy the story Will's weaving with this game. There is a good bit of grind, but it's /very easy/ to have more than enough money at the halfway point of the game, which made me feel like I earned the easy road.

    Some scenes repeat pretty often and can get annoying, but the lack of game-breaking bugs is exceptional. I also love that the characters look sexy but realistic. I prefer these models over most others I see. Bonus points, this game is pretty long with lots to do and replay.

    Kudos, I can't wait to see version 1!
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    very grindy. you will spend litteral hours having to click the same things over and over. annoying repeating events that make you waste even more time having to earn money. might as well cheat from the start and give yourself infinite money or you will litterally still be grinding cash at the end of the game. need a skip option for repeating sex scenes b/c they take forever

    theres an early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, and night. 99% of the time you skip early morning so it should just be removed. the fast foward button is stupidly hard to click.

    events are unclear: i.e. event 32 reqires event 31 and event 31 requires 30 and event 30 requires 29. just hide the event.

    models arent super high quality but its alight. could be worse. dialog is alright. could be worse.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version 0.07 Supporter

    Grind. That was the first thing I was welcomed with. I'm skipping day for day for ~ 10 minutes now, maxed out everything I could with Lauren (the bed thing..) and can't progress, because the phone's quest section is bugged: It only shows "event 4", which needs "event 3" to be completed before, BUT since "event 3" is not there to read, I don't know what to do.

    The animation's quality is very bad; you get short loops of a few pics every time you click left with your mouse. The image/render quality is just mediocre. The MC looks like a premature 10-year-old, so do most of the women. Failed.
  17. 1.00 star(s)



    The bad:

    - Terrible mechanics.

    - Horrible UI.

    - Grind, grind and grind: prepare to play it for hours and not see / unlock any interesting scene.

    - Sandbox? It is a very linear game.

    - Animations and "cinematics" are bad compared to other games.


    - Models: I personally don't like them but I understand that others do.

    - History: Nothing that has not already been done in other games.

    The best:

    - Honestly I do not find anything positive, but I understand that others may like some aspect of the game.

    TLDR: Overrated game, not worth it as there are better products that offer more content with better quality. Don't waste your time.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Just a great game. Sandbox, smooth animations, and beautiful renders along with a very spicy storyline. I was gonna give it four stars because no sex scene with the mother, but its still too good to do that too.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I usally dont like these kind of "sandbox" games around here...

    Most of the time its very grindy and you have to do the same actions over and over again, sometime a hundred times.

    At first i was afraid this one is the same... but turns out that its much less grindy than other sandbox games.

    Everybody will get the first impression that this one is a "Big Brother" clone.

    But its not... yeah of course, brother wants to manipulate everybody into sex... thats all about in Big Brother, and so its here too.

    But in BB all about it was kinda dumb... really dumb. Complete brainless. in A Family Venture there is clearly a affaction development between the MC and all around him. The Mafia plot around it is a good fit and the schoolsetting likewise.

    The "thoughts" from everyone are making kind of sense so the actions of the charactres are kinda plausible (of course the whole game is completly unrealistic, but in his own world all makes sense).

    And its a plausible slow burn...

    The models a simply great, realistic bodys (of course not the cock, im speaking of the girls) and really good looking. The finance-system is working... its easy to get enough money (easiest way? Casino)

    The Animations are overall good, not great, but way above average. I dont like the music in this game, but doesnt really matter... i turned it off and played some lounge music for myself instead. The souinds instead are working great, the moans and others sound are a really good fit. Could have been better, but most of the games around here doenst have sounds at all, or just annoying ones.

    The NTR is harsh, but easy avoidable, so no problem at all, and i think in a game like this there has to be some "threat" to work out.

    And whats important to me... the DEV seems to have a plan for his game... and ending. So iam optimistic that this game will get a good finish in the future.

    Cant wait for new updates, but will wait sometime until there are more than two new updates out.

    Overall a excellent game and in my book in the top 10 i think. 5 stars.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    It is quite grinding... I did not come here to play RPG

    I had to quit in the middle of playing not only because it is grindy but also because the story didn't attract me.

    And why do I have to gift these chicks? They're not even very sexy. I'd rather install spy cam in their room with the money