Story 1/5
Man i found this boring as fuck, story dident do much for me and couldent even care less about the NTR stuff it was just boring.
Im so tierd of kinetic novels hiding behind a sandbox trying to not show off as being kinetic, then game constantly forces you to follow the kinetic set storyline where girls are forced on you and your forced to watch all kind of shit with the mother which i found so extremly ugly that it became a constant turn-off and barely even playable.
Sandbox is also just a grind and there to waste more of your time clicking around, quests are tied together so you cant really skip anything or you wont progress which leaves 0 freedom and 0 choices when it comes to who you fuck.
Its also very repetitive where you just do the same shit over and over, i just dont find that fun what so ever.
MC also pushes for alot of lesbian shit that i dont really care about either so it just keeps lowering the value of the game, even more so since you dont have any choices in anything that goes on.
As for virgins, its very shitty they are all using dildos so you can forget about any kind of deflowering which makes for very boring virgin scenes which are just like any other standard scene, this is an adult novel so to me its a big flaw when a creator dosent allow for the hymen since its the only thing that can ever prove that the girl has never had sex with anyone, even a 2$ prostitute working for years can claim to be a virgin and you will never be able to tell, since no one not even a doc can tell if someone is a virgin or not when hymen is gone.
As for the NTR i found it lacking as well, same for relationship build-ups, just dident find anything fun or even remotely interresting.
Girls 1/5
Dident like the mother or the youngest sister, the older sister was ok but its just not enough.
Animations 2/5
Alot arent even animations.....its picture to picture shit and has nothing to do with being animated and those scenes that are animated arent that good either and pretty short on top of that.
Choices 1/5
Alot of shit is just forced on you since you cant skip quests, pretty much a mindless fuckfest game just very very drawn out due to grinds and sandbox.
Sandbox 1/5
Boring, repetitive, grind, shitload of clicking, kinetic questlines that you cant skip, you get get the idea, shitty hint system that tells you what your supposed to do but then when you do it nothing happens so your left with guessing as to what quest you need to do before you can progress the one you wanted to do.
Content 1/5
Considering this is more then 5 years old and it still barely has any sex scenes, like 1 with youngest sister, 5 with older, 1 with mother, 0 with aunt, 0 with mandy, its really not much is it.