Tool A few tools that may aid in writing better stories.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
I was looking to at "World Anvil" and "Scrivener" a while back contemplating making my own version that isn't online.
Nothing like having your IP stolen because you are stupid enough to put your content on another person's server.

So I did some digging first to see if there what alternatives I could find.
I ran across a number some of which are free. I figured those might be of interest to some on here.

The point of this type of software is for keeping track of details such as character information, locations maps, lore ... history, of the world you are creating.
They also allow in some cases for visualizing plot flow, data relations ... and more.
Hope you all find some use out of these.
Another way they can help. Say you create a large world and you want to use it for multiple stories. All the details and so on are at your finger tips so you can tie the stories together or keep the lore consistent.