Identify A game I'm pretty sure I saw here


Oct 25, 2017
If I remember correctly from my first playthrough of this game, it's a Japanese 2D game. It's a sidescroller set in a school where you (I believe the male mc has is face covered) and your girl (I believe) childhood friend (or maybe just the hottest girl in your class) are to become sort of sexual relievers : you go around school, making her have sex with more and more boys to gain points and make her more and more corrupted, gaining access to more places in the school.
You can also change her clothes and if I remember correctly, you just go around naked.

I tried everything but I can't find it, even just googling what I remember of it...was it just a dream trying to tell me I have to make this game myself ? XD

Thanks in advance to anyone able to help me in my quest...