Seeking A game of mind control and revenge


Nov 25, 2018
I know the premise is not original, but I really want to find it, in this game it is about a slave where his mistress puts him up for sale in the market, there he is bought by the hero's team and in the fight against the demon king or the final boss, they use him as a distraction or as a sacrifice to defeat the final boss and let him die, however, a fairy (or angel, I really don't remember what it was), gives him the opportunity to live again and mind control powers, she sends him to his former mistress, where he tests his powers with her and takes advantage of them to abuse her, and at the same time he also manipulates his mistress's younger sister, the objective of the game is that you have to sleep with women more influential to climb on a social level or something like that, that's all I remember. If you locate it, please let me know.