Seeking A game with somewhat similar art as Transylvania.


Jul 26, 2017
Transylvania has this black and white drawn art style. The game I am looking for also does this. The drawings are more pleasing to the eye as far as I remember though, at least less horror.
I never played the game so can't remember what it is about, but every time I saw it I was thinking of trying it one day. Now that day has come I don't remember anything about it besides the art style: as if drawn by pen only, no colors used besides black and white.

Does anyone get a feeling which game I might mean by this, I admit, vague description? I know for a fact it was on this site.

Thanks upfront!


Jul 26, 2017
Found the game, sorry. It is Not My Body!

Edit: sadly not a good substitute. Transylvania doesn't give you a save to disc option, this doesn't give a fullscreen option and the sound is cracked, Sorry to have wasted your time reading this,
Both are too flawed for my kind of use.
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