Can Anyone tell me what this bullshit is? Is this supposed to be an impossible to defeat boss because
my playthrough so far has been pretty balanced hell i even felt over powered for a moment when I crafted the Advanced Laser Pistol. But then I get to "Cumassbenis" town and this boss is there. I have fought this fucker over 20+ times or more and the only way i can describe it is it's like one of those fucked crane machines that makes you think you have a chance but you dont. She basically will keep trying to lower your health to 75% so she can use rapid laser on you and kill you. OR, she will let you get a few hits in before she starts doing it then whenever she feels like it she will just spam Rapid Laser 4+ times in a row until you're fucking dead.
It doesn't matter how many healing items you bring I have over 14-15+ Greater Healing HP items and the fucking Ass healing device 3000 and it's not enough fucking healing at all. I have the sniper rifle instead of the advanced laser pistol now and im trying to apply crippling shot which at least seems to be able to let me pop a greater heal right after because presumably shes slower now as per the attacks description but that shit barely helps it just allows me to pop a heal, then prepare to pop another heal to stay above 75% so i dont get 1 shot by rapid laser and then if I use the primary damaging attack instead of crippling
shot she'll just fucking spam Rapid Laser anyway because I did damage that was too competent even though all of my attacks
hit her like a pile of wet dog shit.
Why in the hell does her level change every fucking time you fight her? You fight her she's level 13, alright i died whatever ill try again, she's level 14 now, oh ok whatever not that far up YOU DIE AGAIN. Then she's level 16 now i mean it's not like she does any fucking less damage at level 13, and i'm level 14 and yet she's still cataclysmically stomping my shit in. What the fuck?
Can someone, tell me if it's possible to buy or find armor anywhere??? Because none of the shops i've seen have armor for purchase and the only areas I have access to is are the places in the second image. There has literally been no other location accessible that gives me armor. All I got was the sniper from Vault64 and i don't even want to talk about how fucking unbalanced that shit was, I went in there I never wanna see another Mary again they fucking bodied the shit out of me and they were relative to my level too. I had to use the lewd action to slow their attacks as the only way to survive their onslaught and I got fucking sucked off until I got legitimately tired of getting my dick sucked. You know it's bad when you're tired of seeing your dick get sucked man. Also the Bandit fight in Bandit town against the 4 bandits is fucking impossible too.
Answers PLEASEE Man. I've been stuck on this shit for like 2 weeks at this point, a guy's just trying to bust some nuts and enjoy a game but i'm getting CLAPPED.
Edit: I just killed the Bandits in Bandit Town, I used the "Benis Module and the Silent Killer pistol" you'd think that small pistol was ass since it does so much less damage but Agility+Silent Killer is really strong compared to everything else I've been using so far man. Gonna try Benis+Silent Killer for that robo asshole boss too. Alright it doesn't work on her it does better than anything else but it doesnt change the fact she has bullshit kill you whenever she wants mechanics
also I went out of my way to grind and level up a bit from the maries to get to lv17 AND NOW SHE'S LV 19 WTF. This is Bullshit
Edit2: I found a companion and i'm presuming this is gonna get alot easier