Review is for v0.55p
There is so much good, and so much bad about this game it makes it very difficult to rate accurately.
Overall the games vision and behind the scenes aspects appear to be stellar. The shear amount of things that you will be able to do by the end is going to be crazy.
Now for the bad. First off, the game feels REALLY empty right now. The characters are all their, but other than just speaking to them, there isn't anything to do with most of them. The quest txt and hints option should automatically go to easy when you start the game, if not you have very little idea what to do in the game. Maybe later, once things are fleshed out, it can be put back on hard, but there isn't enough to do right now.
Second, the game is exceptionally grindy right now. It appears that most of the sexy content doesn't start until the MC has Corruption +50, which can easily take 50+ in game days if you don't know what you are doing.
Third, the interface appears to be homebrewed, and it could use some work. The overall aspects of it work, but some QOL updates for it would be amazing. I'm constantly going to the wrong place because the buttons moved around on me when I went from one area to another. Framing buttons with different colors based on location, and if things changed, could help with this, or you could just overlay the location name on the button so you know exactly where you are going.
Lasty, something that is kind of tied into the first issue, I would love to see a more robust questing system, that implemented a slew of smaller and easier quests to increase the MC Corruption and other stats. There's already a couple of these throughout, but if most of the characters had some instead of just a couple, it would make the early game grind feel a lot better.
Overall, a pretty good start that could use some polish to become great, but a little too much grinding and not enough to do to fill in the down time really brings it down.