RPGM - Completed - A Newbie Demon Lord and the Four Dispel Gems [v1.04] [I-guruwan]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Despite the game looking really great, and having a failry unique combat system, it really lacks in H-combat and overall stuff to do.

    Unlike your usual RPGM games combat here isn't turn based. You move in real time, execute attacks and cast different skills, surrounded by a bunch of enemies most of the time. Sounds pretty cool, however the character quickly gets really powerful. The game also offers some skills to make fights more interesting, there are about 12 unique skill, each of them works differently, however I ended up sticking with 1-2. You are allowed to have 6 skill at the same timeand easilty switch between them. For some reason the game also has alternative weapons, but I never had a reason to use them as they are just stat sticks. The sword that you start the game with has a 3-hit combo and hits in wide area, the other 3 weapons just hit in front of you. There are also some items, but I only used a healing potions like once or twice. Despite a pretty unique combat system, it felt really repetitive because new weapons that I got didn't bring anything new to the combat. The only novel things were skills, which you unlock after every boss battle. Boss fights were pretty challenging, and they do feel great after clearing 3-5 levels of regular enemies. Sadly no scene for losing to bosses.

    Art and H-content
    The artstyle in the game is another of its highlights.Characters look really good, and the sex scenes look great as well. However, the amount of H-content is really low. You get 6 scenes with the main cast, and a bunch of repeatable scenes of the mc being raped by different enemies in the dungeon where you are sent to after losing against regular enemies.

    Game world and other stuff
    Still, the game looks really good. And I don't mean the artstyle again. Game has unique RPGM assets, and the city is constantly changed as you do side quests. I really liked that, however there's barely anything to do as you finish the last available side quest. The only place you'll probably visit would be blacksmith. Sadly the world isn't very interactive, nor additional characters leave the house to hang outside in the restored city. Just my own nitpick.

    The game is pretty short, I was done with it in just 2 hours, and I was messing around a little bit, not progressing with the story. The artstyle looks really good, including character designs. Sadly the combat is pretty repetitive, and what felt like a novelty at first kinda became a chore the further I progressed through the game. Still, I do recomend the game, it is worth playing at least once.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Not bad, feels a bit underwhelming combat wise but looks good and has wacky events.

    Firstly, how a demon king get fooled that easily? Secondly, tap to attack instead of hold is kinda tedious... Some text isn't translated during battles. Really easy on normal mode and becomes a brain dead cat storm spam.

    Encountered some bugs as well (such as crafting other weapons...).
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is probably the best thing about the game. Monotonous as it is, it's fast paced enough to have held my attention through the playthrough.

    The scenes are not worth it, there's only 6 of them+ escape sequences in which the MC is constantly assaulted, and while the scenes are okay, they're not great, and the design of the MC made any scenes focussing her not for me.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    bugs aside the game just lacks h-content. in fact there is no hentai except for one "punishment" scene per girl and a "rape dungeon" with like 5 rape variations. screenshots in the op post is basically all you're gonna see in the game which is lame.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute and funny game. My only gripes with the game is there are no defeat scenes when losing to the girls. Apart from a ONE special quest near the end of the game, most of he side quest in town are just not worth doing, the game is ridicoulously easy.