Identify A old Windows or Mac Game ( during 90's )


New Member
Jun 4, 2017
Its not a adult game but a long time ago I played a RPG i think turned based where the character creation was... epic.. the CC is all i can remember

You can make a party and the CC went like this....

You could mix and match races Like a Head of a Human giving intelligence or w/e a body of a fairy witch changed stats and feet of a demon that made you disliked or liked depending on how you mixed gender/races

or a Wizard head a demon middle and part fairy made you magical

or a Fairy head a unicorn body and a fairy body did certain stats

or a full demon body gave you demon language and magic while full fairy did fairy magic/language

how you mixed and matched these determined things like the language you knew start and possible spells and skills min and max stats ect ect.... plz i was so young so instantly died after CC due to inexperienced in pc rpg gaming... I am older I wish to try again