A Question About a Specific Moderator - What Does It Mean For a Game


Jan 13, 2022
I've been here for a bit now, mostly just browsing, very recently began to get talkative. It's my norm.

I've noticed a common thread amongst the game postings. When you're logged out of F95Zone, ALL games are said to be uploaded by a Trial Moderator by the name of "7767", until you log in, then the actual uploader is revealed.

However, I've noticed some games will still have this Trial Moderator as the Uploader, even games where the thread was actually started by the game's dev themselves.

I've also seen games uploaded by their developer, with the developer being the OP until, seemingly random, it is no longer the Dev as the OP, but 7767.

So... This made me wonder: What's the significance of 7767? Is it a "catch all" account for when the OP isn't available? What does it mean when a Developer as OP goes from the Dev account, to the 7767? Has the dev given up on that game?

Just curious is all.


Dev FitB Games
Game Developer
Oct 1, 2018
Not sure about most of this.

But I know as a developer, we upload the game, but then the moderator will usually change the download links, or add new ones, and his name will appear as the OP. We still maintain control of the thread, as far as being able to change the OP, and all other developer options in the thread.

So it isn't that we have given up on the game, or lost developer status, etc. Just the mod/uploader has his name as the one who has 'uploaded' the links, or made changes to the OP.
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