[Reviewed: v0.2]
A good start on a VN.
The characters are Honey Select, but done with nice renderings, although I found the hands to be a bit odd, as if they're a size smaller than the rest of the models. There are some oversights in the renderings such as having the hair of swimmers look the same -- dry, styled -- immediately after exiting a pool. The mother in the household looks more like a sister of her girls than old enough to be the mother, but that's certainly not unusual for these games. And, also unsurprisingly, the protagonist's penis is too large. (I really don't understand why developers feel that this is the best choice. I'm not suggesting having a "microdick", just one that allows a male gamer not to be taken out of one's immersion in the story.)
The story is fine so far. We have a protagonist that's able to interact with the household women and those in school without being either too awkward or too macho. The game makes it clear -- in brief pop-up messages -- whether a choice has an immediate gain or loss of a character's opinion/love/friendship regarding the protagonist. There are a few choices that need to be made that subsequently lead to potential gains/losses for which there aren't any pop-ups. The story has a mystery that's only just being explored by the end of this episode, and ends on a cliff hanger, so there's something there to keep us eager for the next.
Pedantically, I found that semicolons generally were inappropriately used in the game's text, where there should have been a colon or an m-dash.
The ambient noises and music used here are also fine: neither distracting nor inappropriate.
I'd make a couple of suggestions:
- The text style used for thoughts and whispers would be improved by having thoughts using italics instead of being in blue, and have whispers be shown as reduced font size. The latter also can be used to scale the whisper level, such has by having the size reduce more to represent lines being said as the speaker walks away.
- There are points where it's unclear whether a forced pause is happening, or more clicks/key presses are expected. Similarly it's not always clear whether there is a sequence of images to sit through. Maybe always have some visible text present when a click/press is expected?
So, my rating is 4 stars for a good start and having a story that is good enough to look forward to the next installment.