RPGM - A Simple Life with My Unobtrusive Sister [v0.25] [Countercurrent Tea Party]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a very interesting game in the sense that it's still in development, I remember a few similar games, but I hope you continue them. The bugs and errors are still a little disappointing, but I believe they can be solved while developing enough.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The theme of the game itself is worth the 5 stars, a little elf sister, there's no way it can go wrong, I just don't give it 5 stars yet because the game is very dry and very much in its early stages for now.
    But that doesn't mean the game doesn't have its flaws, especially since the game is in such an early stage.

    I won't go depth in the topics, I'm sure most people have already tested the game, version 0.21 is unplayable and very buggy, version 0.22 is already playable and fun, but missing several things, missing several interactions with the little sister, but as I said above, the game is very early, so it's ok so far.

    Like most RPGMs, combat is kind of useless, that would be my biggest complaint with the game, the story gives that cliché excuse that the little sister is weak and needs something that can only be found in dungeons, there's the excuse to wake up every day at 7am and go out killing random creatures that so far aren't worth it except to collect money, nothing else, like I said, there's still no reason to fight there.

    I would particularly prefer the game to focus more on everyday life with the sister and the story with her than on the fights, unless she can help us in the dungeons even if it's just as support.

    You can return home early, even though you've already left home. However, since you don't have much interaction with your sister, you soon run out of options and all that's left is to sleep, but it would still be 1 PM or even earlier than that, and the game bugs out if you choose to sleep early like that.

    One thing that leaves me in doubt is that so far there are no sex scenes and Asian games are usually boring about that kind of thing, the Asian version of the game no longer has BJ in the files so far, so I wonder if in the future the game will just be something light and superficial with the sister or if we will actually have sex with her, only time will tell.

    The food and cooking part needs improvement, no matter what you choose to cook, even if you choose the same ingredients, something different will always come out every time, or most of the time the food will come out spoiled and bad.

    I would say the game's greatest quality so far is the art and the few interactions with the little sister.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like what I saw so far, probably the game I'm looking forward to the most by far. The art is gorgeous, the imouto is super cute, the music and SFX are good too, if in need of a bit more leveling, and so far it gives me hope for a great cohabitation game! I like the unusual gameplay for rpgmaker type games, though as people mentioned before it would probably be easier to make on unity or another engine in general, as there are bugs and other issues. The combat side of things is yet underdeveloped, but it has some spice that makes it more interesting then the typical rpgmaker combat would be, so I'm interested to see where the developer will take it from here.

    The potential for a great game is absolutely there, and I can't wait to see the finished project, best of luck!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very beautiful drawing, interesting story and good gameplay and also bath scenes mmmm.
    They say there are problems with optimization but I didn't notice anything like that, and I think it's stupid to complain now, game version 0.21
    One of the best games of this year, waiting for updates!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    very good but with feel bug wenn interact with the sister maybe , wenn i go to sleep and check the sister , wenn in the bathroom interact with dress . i take 5/5 wenn the bug is corriged and i think the game is good
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Extremelyyyy buggy, sometimes overly repetitive as well, but for a very early release it's quite good with nice art and cute dialogue interactions. It's in no place to be written off and ignored that's for sure
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    hairy memberberries

    What the fuck is this ai generated chinese garbage?
    Strike 1: the UI sounds are Earrape levels of noise
    *this does nothing but increase the gamespeed.*
    Strike 3: This "game" wants to be a fucking nekopara tier visual novel instead of a video game.
    0/5 not worth your time.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    A cohabitation game created by the one and only Niliu (nlch). I following this game since it's first demo. Let's just start.

    Good :
    - The Artist themselves
    - Visual and Audio
    - A Cohabitation genre

    Bad :
    - Game Engine, performance and bug. Using RPGM probably the worst choice they ever made, lot of issues like slow-down, freeze ,visual bug happen a lot. They should consider Unity.
    - UI, interface are simple i love it, but we need more information status like relationship value, her mood, etc. I don't even know which interaction to increased her relationship.
    - No emergency Save/Load, you can only save and load by talking to sister, and it only happen once per day.
    - Combat, TRASH JUST SCRAP IT. People play cohabitaion game for relaxing gameplay, not for some action WASD + Dodge combat.
    - Progress, gameplay loop are ok and fun, but seriously i don't know how long it take just for able bath together, using MTool for cheats doesn't even help.

    3 hours on previous demo version, I'm only able to reach day 12, because of lotssssss freezeeee happened and it's annoying to repeat same day over and over.