RPGM A Simple Life with My Unobtrusive Sister [v0.66C] [Countercurrent Tea Party]

3.40 star(s) 12 Votes


May 29, 2022
There's some kind of mystery shop? Not sure where it is.
Unless it's the one at the end of the forest? The house is always closed for me.


Dec 3, 2019
This game does a good job illustrating the difference between difficult and frustrating. Random shit like holes in the map 1 shot you, ice enemies freeze lock, money doesn't appear to be used for anything, a vending machine randomly killed me, killing an enemy triggers massive lag because of the loot animations. loot is frequently out of reach after killing an enemy. Again, these aren't fun mechanics, they just force me to reload through a painfully slow loading game screen. (Make it all fast forward, we don't nee to stop to watch an animation of the dungeon door scroll down for 3 seconds between loads)


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
so there's no sex stuff yet? just to wait and replay it later in a couple months or a year no prob


New Member
Sep 17, 2020
im on day 12 and i think ive made it back from the dungeon alive maybe once. one slime is zero threat, then an identical slime one-shots you. sometimes a wall is actually a hole thatll one-shot you. no idea if healing is even possible. why not let us skip this janky shit


May 29, 2022
This game does a good job illustrating the difference between difficult and frustrating. Random shit like holes in the map 1 shot you, ice enemies freeze lock, money doesn't appear to be used for anything, a vending machine randomly killed me, killing an enemy triggers massive lag because of the loot animations. loot is frequently out of reach after killing an enemy. Again, these aren't fun mechanics, they just force me to reload through a painfully slow loading game screen. (Make it all fast forward, we don't nee to stop to watch an animation of the dungeon door scroll down for 3 seconds between loads)
The loading/animation part is particularly frustrating to me.
In case you didn't know (because I didn't before checking the controls yesterday), the Alt key skips animations, while Ctrl skips dialogue. So you can skip most things by pressing both Ctrl and Alt (and not just Ctrl like I usually do in literally all other games).
Another head-scratching decision-making there.
Nowadays I only play with the Maneki Neko to not get items stuck (items now come to you instead of being dropped at inaccessible locations) and the Fallen Mage's Gloves (all projectiles including arrows track enemies).

Is there a way to repair weapons?
How do I get the Mysterious Shop?
When does the Traveling Vendor (RV) show up?
Has the Robot of the forest reappeared?
Can you do anything at the Mushroom House? (Where you get the Lava Staff)
Why can't I fight the woman at the campsite anymore?
I also have all of these questions, but at least know the answer for the last one: you need to have the Hardwood sword equipped (the one you start with) when talking to the woman.
Although from what I can see you now start the game with the skill she's supposed to give you (Senpo Tachi), so there's not much point fighting her anymore. Unless this was the RNG/decision at the start of the game giving it to me.

How's the new version, no more bugs/gltiches/etc?
Some misc bugfixes, but the game is still janky as can be.

im on day 12 and i think ive made it back from the dungeon alive maybe once. one slime is zero threat, then an identical slime one-shots you. sometimes a wall is actually a hole thatll one-shot you. no idea if healing is even possible. why not let us skip this janky shit
I just go straight to save editing with this game these days. Especially now that they've added weapon durability. Less frustration overall.
But to answer you: You get drinks from the vending machine next to the cat-eared maid (not the gachapon), and those drinks are basically potions. You can give them to your imouto, too, but you don't have to.

which version is never
Version: 0.60C on here or
Version: 0.6A on kimochi.info ????
If this post hasn't been updated, information about the newest version will be on the author's ci-en (link in the OP). As of today, the latest version is , the same one as in the OP.


New Member
Nov 19, 2022
so guys, am I the only one with version B?
can anyone upload a full save? I have terrible lag and fps drops in the dungeon, and I don't fully understand what I need to do to make the game progress along the plot and have new events and interactions appear..
3.40 star(s) 12 Votes