The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...
(01/23/2018 - Original Review - v0.1)
Very similar story premise as I've seen in a couple other newer visual novel/games recently... Plus it is yet another overused Family Sex theme... We really need some more originality in these things...
The visuals of the characters are good, but many of the pictures are very dark due to the scenes they take place in, so it's hard to give an over all rating... The backdrops look like some I've seen before, so not sure if they are originals or re-used from pre-made packs...
The script looked good as I didn't see many spelling/grammar errors, but this is really low on content right now so there isn't much to it... The plot appears to be a male protagonist who gets a visit from his twin sister, where she tells him about their father being in the hospital... From what was said, sounds like the protagonist left their family due to some sort of issue (this is a similar theme I've seen in a couple other recently new VN/Games, where a sister comes to visit a family member who left their family years before, leaving some siblings behind, due to some unspoken event at home)... From there it almost seems like the sister may have some romantic feelings for her brother, but it was hard to tell... In any case, shortly after she arrives, the next game day he walks in on her in the shower and the current content ends...
Overall, I can see some very similar storylines in this one, that I've read in other VN/Games, even though it may be a different story path in future content... I get the feeling because of how quickly this content flew by, and how soon the brother is suddenly having lustful thoughts about his sister, that this VN/Game may be going a more sex focused route, instead of story focused and/or a more balanced approach... It's just a feeling, and I could be completely wrong... But I've seen this. practically same, pattern occur in lots of other VN/Games introductions, so...
There really isn't much to this VN/Game for the moment due to how early in production it is, so I'm basing a lot of my predictions off of prior experience with other similar themed VN/Games... Will I revisit this one later on? Maybe after it has a lot more content added, just to see if my first impressions are wrong or spot on...
(02/23/2018 - Review Update - v0.2)
Well, it appears the author's of this visual novel/game are attempting to convert this into a non-Family Sex game by changing the relationship of the sister into a childhood friend... As well as altering the relationship with the other characters... The problem is, it is mostly just a small amount of text changing... The dynamics are still playing out exactly the same, and it still feels sometimes like they are related, such as when the protagonist mentions how he's only a couple minutes older then her... As early into production as this thing is, it would have been better to start from scratch or completely overhaul the text, not just go with some word replacement... Just because the word sister is changed out for the word friend, and the word brother for bubby, that doesn't change the feel of what is being said and how the story dynamics play out... She still behaves like his sister... And come on, the title is still A Sister's Love...
The new visuals are just as dark as the old ones... The lighting really needs to be completely redone on the visuals of this VN/Game... When in a well lit room, everything shouldn't look so dark... There are very few scenes that are not really dark...
The story itself still plays out the same, even with the minor alteration of words... There are a few more erotic flash scenes, that really feel a bit unrealistic... Such as the waitress in a short skirt falling and revealing her missing panties... We all know that is just thrown in to have another gratuitous erotic scene in the updated content, and nothing like that happens in real life... Which kind of ruins the immersion a tiny bit...
I also ran into about 3 errors during scene transitions, that I just Ignored and continued the story, so it has some bugs that didn't exist before...
In any case, this VN/Game still has issues to work out, as well as new issues, being that it's having a conversion done to it... I can only assume, that is because the author's want to keep using patron websites with rules against Family Sex... If they wanted to stay true to their original plans, they could always go with a different crowd sourcing method... But I'm sure the temptation to use the patron sites due to their inherent subscription based donation method is probably the real motivation... We'll have to see how this conversion ends up working out in the long term, as for now it's weird to read... And you can definitely tell it is a family sex story being converted, when reading it, because the tell tale signs are all still there...