VN - Ren'Py - A Spoonful of Sugar [v1.0] [shagamon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game! Mary Poppins absolutely needs the treatment! This game is complete as is, but I don't see that tag. Short sweet and satisfying, yet with a classic story.
    The story could be continued, some 'wrong' choices could be fleshed out to create branches - or not! Or more debauchery added. Or the author could move on to the next game.
    AS IS, this is just an enjoyable game that scratches an itch and doesn't take your whole weekend to play.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Short, sweet, to the point.
    Could be more ambitious, but hitting the spot feels better than undershooting the moon.

    Might've given this a lower rating, but in the sea of mediocrity, success is more noteworthy than ambition.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    An honestly pretty perfect bite-sized corruption trainer. Art's good, writing's good, not a big fan of the carpal-tunnel inducing clicking minigame but that's the only negative thing I have to say about it. In an ocean of barely functional alpha builds and abandon ware, a good complete game is a rare treat. We will be watching your career with great interest.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fun little game with a very original premise, an entertaining storyline, gorgeous and cute-looking artstyle, and a charismatic character: Mary Poppins, everyone's beloved British nanny!

    This game was quite a surprise, because the last thing you expect to find here it's a lewd game based on a classical literary character, yet this game is so well made, so entertaining and overall so much fun that you eventually forget about the eccentricity of its premise and are left wanting more.

    Highly recommended to anyone who wants to try something new or just wants to play a funny and cute game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun short game 5ish minute depending on reading speed. Marry Poppins comes to help you clean your room. You make choices after dirtying your room. At one point she will get mad if you dirty your room too much. But beside that day it's best to make it as dirty as possible.

    The mini game is clicking quickly which I dislike but it's pretty short and the game will be over before it get's too annoying. You select choices to corrupt Marry though most of the choices don't seem to matter much. For example there is a I want to pee in your mouth choice which is instantly denied by your character.

    I didn't go through the game multiple times but it seems that there may be four endings. A love, Daddy, Master, and fail ending.