VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - A Step Above Satisfaction [v2.0] [sibbixart]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    V 2.0

    It's just another braindead cum dumpster female protagonist game, but without choices that impact anything. Terrible grammar, terrible spelling, terrible "story." I will not be wasting my time with any more updates.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    v 1.2

    Ugh... Well, I like the art... But, there's really no game yet. It's kinetic novel about a slut wife, as described by a narrator, in a quite matter-of-factly way.

    That sort of distances you from the character you're supposed to be playing, and makes everything else not very impactful.

    1/5 for the story and characters,
    4/5 for the art...

    so I guess that's 2.5/5 overall, let's round it up to 3/5.

    At this point it feels like reading a mediocre adult comic book. Might pick up later, but I'm not holding my breath.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    First off at this point I'd call this an trailer/intro, to short to even be a demo so far. So I'll write this based on what little there is to review currently.
    Art is maybe 6-7/10
    Dialogue 6-7/10
    Story ?/10 to little exists to give any rating
    Potential 9/10 Many much worse initial release have turned into fine games. I hope this becomes one of them.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    The Wicked One

    Unfortunately, your "first chapter", if we can even call it that, is very poor. There was no setup in your story, except for the first sex scene. And I am incredibly confused by the sudden end. It goes from a pregnancy scare, then bang, back to the menu.
    The art is decent, but nothing phenomenal. There were too many scenes that showcased a busty, shadowy outline that gave exposition.
    Overall, I think it is best to try again. Your first outing isn't great, and the first chapter just ends abruptly. Try expanding the first chapter, polishing the art and writing, and you'll have a solid first impression.