A Tool To Organize And Filter Items By Tag


Jan 6, 2020
I'm working on a card game where cards can have a number of tags associate with them. The tags would be different words such as "fire", "electric", etc. A card can have only 1 tag, or multiple tags.

What I'm looking for is some kind of tool where I can create a list of cards with the following elements:
  • Name : The display name of the card.
  • Description: A text description of the card.
  • Tags: This can be just one tag, or multiple tags.
I also want to to be able to tabulate and filter cards by tags. That way I can see how many cards are using a particular symbol or element, or combination of tags.

I'm currently experimenting with Excel but what I have working so far is inelegant and full of compromises. Is there a tool, preferably open source, which would allow me to create a list of items and tag them so they're easy to keep track of?

Any leads would be appreciated.


Game Developer
Nov 1, 2019
Scriptable objects can be used in Unity and other engines. Basically an object that you can give certain attributes (An image, a description, a function, etc, etc) And there are also assets for sale that are already fully included in the card system.
If you do it in another engine or you are simply in the design stage, Excel, as you say, is the best option, and then you can export it as a CSV and read it directly from some engine.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Basically a database.

Databases can handle data one of 2 ways, either you get something like a table, such as excel sheets (and what all SQL like database use), or data is partitioned out into specific data packets, such as what 60Points points outs, unity's scriptable objects.

It's mainly a question of what do you need to do with the data (do you need to port it over to anything), and how much time are you willing to set up the program? I know Excel is powerful enough to mimic a database, you use one work sheet as your main data entry, which you can then set up as a table and use the table features to filter out what you need (google sheets supports similar functionality), or use another worksheet as your filtered work sheet.

But if you also want the ability to easily add new entries while viewing your filtered results, something like a dedicated database program. import export tends to be tricky, at best, excel or CSV files are the most commonly supported by most database programs, but if you want to use the data in a project, you most often need to convert excel data to JSON, so that you can use (make) a JSON importer for your game, such as converting between Unity ScriptableObject datatypes and Excel, or you could skip learning about ScriptableObject for directly instantiating the data into your custom datatype.

there is a dumb and simple database that requires no coding and allows you to make a nice interface, good if you want to hand it off to other teammates but not hand them the whole game engine (ie you can create your own database manager for scriptable objects if you are comfortable programing custom editors in unity, or using the Odin Inspector asset, but that means other teammates need to have access to the engine and software seats, $$$)

(Edit, ignore my suggested program, I just tried to make the database, but it does not have the ability to filter other than by name.)
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Jan 6, 2020
Basically a database.
Thanks a lot! This is pretty much what I'm looking for. I don't need it to interface with my game engine of choice (Unreal) since I'll be inputting the cards manually. I just need a quick way to make a list using a pre-defined form that's easy to edit and analyze for design purposes.

Symphytum will let me build the database, and then I can export it as a CSV and use pivot tables in Excel to analyze.
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