VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.201] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Trump

    The game is just draggy and has been this way for over 4-5 years. The story and character progression is extremely slow. One good event followed by a year of dud shit. Too many characters introduced for no reason. Would have been better if they kept one lead instead of entire family having their own arcs and only to become exhausting to play.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I went into this game blind and could tell right away that it was going to be a slow burn sort of deal. I dig that, I love a good story, so I invested myself into this game and I eventually became quite captivated while playing part 1.

    I spent HOURS upon HOURS reading dialogue that slowly became more tedious and bloated over time. Many times I came across spelling errors or odd word choices, but explained it away as the characters misspeaking so as not to break my immersion. I endured countless plot threads and characters, some more interesting than others, thinking that at least some of them would eventually lead somewhere.

    They didn’t.

    After what must have been 20 hours of playing, part 1 abruptly ended, and I ran here to this forum find out wtf is going on with this game.

    After reading many reviews, I concur with what many of them are saying. This game takes slow burn and delayed gratification (which I generally enjoy and look for in a game) to unbearable new heights. The plot threads and characters are numerous and interesting, but none of it ever comes full circle. Ironically, the only actual sex MC ever sees is with her husband by being a ‘good wife’. Otherwise it’s just relentless teasing that never comes to fruition.

    I won’t be playing part 2, at least not until it’s finished, however long that may take. Maybe it’ll be better by then. Idk.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Comparing this game to another game with a FMC that deals with corruption takes the definition of "slow-burn" to a whole new level. The writing is okay but there's a lot of text in dialogue and choices that make it feel bloated a lot of the time.

    Not to mention this MC is a living definition of a prude and overthinks everything because she is married. The only real sex scenes you get within the first couple of hours is with the husband (which it becomes obvious he's a cheating sleazebag using his power to get into his model's pants very early in the game) and the rest is teasing with underage-looking boys and girls.

    Recommend avoiding this unless you're really into the concept of FMCs and want to experience a more mature one. Otherwise, it's pretty boring and a slog to get through.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    When I came across this game I absolutely loved it. A beautifully rendered 'wife and mother' in Sophia with just enough naughtiness in her to make the slow change from boring housewife/teacher to the woman we all wanted her to be.

    The shower scenes with her daughter raised my hopes and expectations but after that it all fizzled out. Same with the initial run with her son, all that subtle and not so subtle flirting and showing off, again it all led to nothing. And the same again with all the other women she came across, lots of flirting, some touching and kissing, then... nothing. After seven years of development there should be something to show for all that.

    Instead, what we get is update after update giving us a confusing expanding character count, multiple paths that lead nowhere (at least yet) and an increasing amount of time being spent on the nasty people she meets at the school. While that may be what some people want to see, I have no interest in it so for the last few updates I haven't even bothered to download the thing after reading other people's comments. Makes me wonder what the plan is for Sophia. Is she going to become the city slut, pimped out by her students? I really hope not, that'll be turning what was such a great start for the VN into a boring generic fuckemall-fest.

    I really don't know where the dev is going with this. It's shooting off in every direction except the one I would like to see, it seems. It almost feels as if the dev has decided not to have anything incestuous in this game and is hoping the players will forget about the promising start.

    Pros (for me):
    Nice looking almost believable characters (at least at the start)

    It's taking 'slow burn' to stratospheric new levels
    The story's all over the place, I have little idea what's going on with Sophia now
    Too many characters, some of them taking the game in the wrong direction as far as I'm concerned

    Overall a great start for Sophia, was definitely a 5 star rating. But it very rapidly lost all sense of meaningful direction and has been meanering around pointlessly for years. As a result, I've dropped my rating down to 3. Was going to be a 2 but I still have a sliver of hope left that her son and daughter will get back into the plot at some point before I get too old to care.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to give this five stars but the first season is really, really slow in fact the only sex in the first season is one quick one with the MC and her husband. The renders are pretty good and the plot itself is very interesting. The semi sex scenes are really hot they just left me unfulfilled shall I say. The mom and daughter scene in the shower is really good but left me wanting. Season 2 looks to be much better now that the groundwork has been laid and right off the bat there is some sex but there isn't much season 2 yet so keeping my fingers crossed .
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I have never seen such a snobby MC in AVNs. She gives an impression of 60-70 year old woman, honestly. She thinks about every little thing which most people would not even pay attention to, and it results in a ton of unnecessary and utterly boring text. While the novel itself looks good, it just is not very pleasant to read. It seems that author's idea of "good wife" is not a human being at all, but some kind of obsessed servant and an impulsive bitch
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game but the only thing I don't like is that you play as the mom (female protagonism)

    A game that well written were you would be the son would be way better.

    The 3d Models are getting a little old too but its to be expected from a game that is not that new.

    I don't really get how Patreon allows them tho, weird.

    Good game overall.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    AWAM is a challenging game to review.

    If you have never played this game before, or your new to VN porn games in general, this game is 5 stars and one of the best games on the site. Graphics, writing, corruption and believability of scenarios are all S tier.

    If you've been following this game since 2017 ...7 years ago!! Then this is a disappointment.

    The problem with slow corruption games with no sex at this stage (not even a drunken mistake) .. is by the time sex starts to happen, the mom will be banging 3-4 different people a day as the developer tries to close all the paths that are open.

    What this game really needs is 1/4 to 1/2 of the characters removed (put them in the next game). Does the developer remember there is even a good wife path? Probably not, cause there are too many plates in the air.

    A disappointing - 3 stars.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6573146

    Honestly the writing and graphics is dope. Pretty good flow. Love the big stories instead of just mindless dog fucking. But boy o boy, fuck the dev for milking the balls and wallets of the very loyal fans who didn't give up on the game for all this while. I was one and I am happily out. Fuck you bro, this shit ain't cool
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The first part was around 4 for me, mainly because of the slow corruption and the general narrative flow, but now I understand it was always an uninspired game with the illusion of something bigger.

    And I can't bring myself to rate this game higher after I played the second part: everything got so much worse except the renders, and I got the feeling that it's going nowhere. There are too many characters now. Focus lost completely. The second part felt so uninspired, so bland, that I don't even want to think about this game and just want to forget it exists.
    Updates are also rare and contain almost no actual content, mostly renders - doesn't look like a full-time job at all. Overpriced development hell it is.

    Edit: I thought a bit more about this game and I don't see a reason to give it 2 stars just for the pacing, pacing alone isn't worth much. So I would like to change this rating to 1 star.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    My score is 3.5 but Ill round up to 4.

    There's a sweet spot where lewd content (i.e. corruption) seems to be best. It's different for everyone I guess, but Id say the vast majority want it to be. Not too slow and not too fast. This one is slow. Too slow IMO.

    Positives: Story is generic and that's fine. Renders are good and there is a vast number of characters within the game. Most seem interesting.

    There is a lot of black screens and cuts which I found annoying but I got over it.

    Final thoughts, it's a good game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    It feels like this game is underated a little bit now. Yes it has a big flaw that its taking the slow burn aproach to the limit, but its still way above average on this site.

    There is a decent amount of content that has been produced over a long period of time. Just dont expect any truly hardcore content any time soon.

    Story 4/5 , Originality 4/5 , Renders 5/5, Animations 4/5, Amount of content 3/5.

    Im looking forward to how this progresses over the next year or two.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Used to be a great game pioneering this industry. Now its bits and pieces unfortunately. Hope it will develop again towards the right path. The last few updates are so small that its questionable why they get released. Maybe the element of pregnancy could alter things to the better.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The game currently in development is a disappointing endeavor marked by a series of fundamental flaws and missed opportunities. From the outset, the narrative appears disjointed and uninspired, lacking the depth and coherence necessary to engage players. The promised immersive experience falls flat, as the storyline fails to create any meaningful connection with the audience, leaving players disinterested and detached.

    Visually, the game struggles to meet contemporary standards, with subpar graphics that undermine the potential for a truly captivating gaming experience. Clunky character models and lackluster environment design contribute to an overall aesthetic mediocrity, failing to provide the visual allure that modern gamers have come to expect.

    Gameplay, touted as innovative, feels stale and derivative. Repetitive mechanics and uninspiring challenges contribute to a tedious experience, leaving players longing for the creativity and excitement promised in the pre-release marketing.

    Perhaps most frustrating is the plethora of technical issues plaguing the game. Glitches, crashes, and long loading times disrupt the already lackluster gaming experience, further exacerbating the disappointment of those who were hopeful for a polished and enjoyable release.

    In summary, the game in development is shaping up to be a lackluster and underwhelming addition to the gaming landscape, failing to deliver on its promises and leaving players with a bitter taste of unmet expectations.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    They should stop working on it, it's so horrible. You need to wait 3-4 months on average to see 5-10 minutes worth of content. There has been 0 oral sex, let alone normal sex with any character in the game other than her husband. The story started out to be good and worth the wait, now it is dumb, and no action.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The buildup in this game is amazing, I loved every moment of it. The graphics are very high quality and all the women are beautiful, and there are many choices! The writing really puts you in the mood and is very thoughtful. The pace is "slow" but for me personally it's perfect!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN is hard to review, it has alot of positives but at the same time alot of negatives.

    Lets start with the positive, Sophia character is extremely beautiful and acts very elegant and mature all through VN, and act like a mom so her corruption is hot.

    The animations and renders are top notch and the different scenarios are hot.

    Negatives, too much focus on non important characters I feel at times and development time is kinda long.

    Its still the best milf game, no one comes close to immulate a respectable wife and mother in any game so far on the market
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    When I rate a game, I rate it based on what it claims to be, against what it actually delivers.

    So when a game like this comes along, claiming to be a female protag game based on realism and class, I'll get excited, only to be let down.

    Particularly lately with Part 2, the son character (Dylan) has taken center stage, to the detriment of Sophia, who is meant to be the main character.

    If this was titled "A son and brother" I'd be giving this game an entirely different rating. But as written on the box, it fails dismally.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good overall, with nothing major to complain about in the game. Every detail is meticulously taken care of, and nothing feels out of place. While the first renders could use some rework, the overall experience is second to none in its genre. Obviously, the developer is taking on more than they can handle, but honestly, every scene is perfectly crafted, and the slow burn is executed really well. It's disappointing that I probably won't be able to see the end of it, considering the developer takes so long to make progress in each update. However, since I am only basing my review on the in-game content, the game still deserves a solid perfect score.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Review till v 0.190 of Lesbian Route. (I Don't care for other routes) My ratings are based only on the content not update release speed.

    I played only the lesbian route and it was good in my opinion. But there is no doubt it has the potential to be great. But as Dev is trying to fit every route possible in the game I am not sure when the next update with any lesbian content will release. And as I have gone through this thread it seems the Dev takes a long time to release new updates, so that might be a little disappointing.

    I liked the slow burn of how the Main character is slowly starting to like girls/women by talking, flirting & having light intimate acts with them. so that was good.

    The graphics are great, can't comment much on animations because there are not many action-heavy scenes at least in the lesbian route for now.

    There is a lot of text to read. It sets up the plot well and explains how/why MC starts liking women. If reading lots of text is not your thing, avoid this game.

    Will wait and see what the next few updates bring. I might change my review based on those.