I said you can include secondary characters, but the number and/or roles need to be scaled back. Reduce the number of characters you can romance (you can pick whichever three or four you like for this scenario) and push everyone else to the side. Characters like Sam, Zach, Alyssa, Aiden, Liam's college friends, the characters we meet at the jobs, the movers, the maid, Vicky, Emma, Julia, Logan, Claire, Marie, and Don Morello, are all individually great, but as a whole they make a crowded field. Our attention is too diffused between them, making it hard to really grow their characters while also giving our main characters enough screen time. I agree that supporting characters are important and that games that only focus on the love interests get boring, but we could easily eliminate many of the characters I listed, leaving more time to develop the ones that remain. This would help in keeping the narrative straight and make balancing their stories easier. Personally I would like more time exploring Patricia and Carl's relationship with the Parkers- Carl could be a good source of conflict or tension with Liam. When updates take so long, and the game's timeline is so short, taking even one scene to develop superfluous characters really hurts. An example would be the extra scene we got with the movers. In a vacuum it isn't a big deal, but that was a good chunk of that update used on characters that we'll never see again. That time could have been allocated to someone like Patricia and Carl instead- it would have been an opportunity to develop both them and Sophia in that scene.
There's a fine line between having enough supporting characters to help tell the story, and superfluous supporting characters that crowd the field.