Normally I'd be all for as much lesbo content as possible, but given the glacial pace of this game I'd prefer L&P focus on the best relationships, which to me is Sophia/{Ellie,Patricia}.
I have such conflicting feelings on this game. The renders are excellent and the slow burn is done quite well. Hell, this is the only game that's ever gotten me to actually fap to a shower kiss. The downside is the dialogue is excruciatingly bad (like, even worse than Mr Dots, who is ironically also a master of the slow burn), which means that unless the relationship really turns me on I just cannot bring myself to slog through the horrible writing. (The high-level plot is fine, it's just the actual prose that kills me.) As a result I typically avoid or skip stuff that I might usually find mildly interesting, such as Dylan/Ellie, or the Aiden blackmail stuff. And since L&P will need to add one day of content to so very many plotlines, those plots I am avoiding are murdering the good stuff.
(Again, all my opinion, so apologies if it annoys anyone. Lots of guys prefer all their porn to be penis-laden, and I'm sure someone out there actually finds 3 screens of exclamaton-point-riddled exposition about the comforter cover to be just fine.)