Sophia, side jobs and money. (Just some random stuff!)
While it's true Liam was keen for Sophia to contribute to the household income after they moved to San Alejo, I also think it was L&P's intension to portray Sophia as the typical modern woman who's professional, used to working full time, independent.
In addition, highlight Liam's vulnerability, especially with his gambling addiction.
Part of the beauty of this game is the make up of characters, with this the story has depth and a sense of realism. So even if the exploits are sometimes implausible we can accept and embrace them because the characters are recognisable to many of us.
I think it unlikely the Parker household was absolutely dependant on Sophia's earning potential against Liam's income, but to her it was, especially as she is still a relatively young woman, well qualified to work.
As for the side jobs themselves, they're always worthy of discussion;
The old folks home seems a strange choice but shows the caring, motherly side of Sophia's nature. Not my cup of tea personally, but to others it is.
Teaching the apostles has drawn much more controversy because of the disputed ages of the students, which L&P is apparently now fixed to upgrade. Once this has been adjusted who could possibly argue that learning sex education from a teacher like Sophia rather than a text book ought to be a fairly popular choice for any hormone-popping young man?
Biology classes were never like this...!