3.20 star(s) 59 Votes


New Member
Nov 26, 2023
I'm gonna be honest. Do I think this game.. I hate calling these that. They aren't really games but
but that's beside the point. Would I suggest supporting it financially... I actually would. I've had several
stories I love go way off the tracks and explode in to shit. A Wife's Life has a good foundation for telling a good
story and hasn't yet imploded. It's getting there, for sure. And I know a lot of you feel it definitely has.
But the reality is, barring missing Jenaveve content, all of the foundational core choice mechanics are there.
They just need to be pathed, tweaked and marked with the points system that exists. It wouldn't take much
to center the main MC into something other than a total chode. And supporting the game financially is the best
way to get your voice seriously heard (I really hate saying that). The Copper and Bronze aren't that bad, and
no I am not being paid or affiliated with Kerosine_NTR. If I was I'd already be cheating on him with Le Stag and
d3sire Studio. And I have a feeling D3sire is cheating on everyone with Kerosine. Or trying to.

But yeah. I would actually say do the Cooper or Bronze tiers. At least for a bit.
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion in the Patreon(or other) scene. If this was a full game I would happily pay for it. I f this was in early access and it was a one time purchase, I would happily pay for it. The idea of subbing to a patreon to pay >$10 a month? nah... tbh, even paying >$5 a month, nah. Paying you the same cost of a full game or more, for you to make 10 minutes of contnet per month? No thank you. If it's not a complete game, (and dare I say it, your first game) where do you get off charging money for it honestly? I do understand that It takes time and effort, but.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000+
... sorry, cat on keyboard... Point being, I'm not going to pay your wages, until you prove you are worthy of it, and even then its a stretch. I'm not going to pay $10/month for a game that may not even be completed, and even if it was, is not exactly gonna be AA quality. Even if this game was the next Sekiro, I wouldnt pay $10/month to play that, I would pay $40 once... not $400 over 10 months, it's just a bad business proposition...


New Member
Nov 26, 2023
And I say that as a software dev professionally. I would never charge for anything I'm doing first time with no experience, but maybe thats just me

Edit: typos
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Sep 19, 2021
If you have sex with Katherine then yes. The MC IS cheating on his wife and deserves everything
Chris does to him. He was warned. He refused to listen. You can't say one spouse cheated simply because
she's a woman and absolve the MC cos he's a man. It doesn't work that way. Sexual harassment and assault
is not cheating. Having an affair with Katherine happens BEFORE things at the camp escalate.
Don't take it from me. Take it from my hubby who didn't cheat hahaha

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I don't understand this conditional line of thinking. In my playthrough, and what nafig keeps describing, is that there was no cheating on the MC's part. So now what's the excuse for the wife? Let's accept your premise that she was raped by Samuil (I'm not convinced)--she agrees to the terms of the blackmail. This means she agrees to cheat on her husband to conceal her rape? In what way does that absolve her of this new cheating? Likewise, Chris telling her that if she has sex with him, he won't fire the MC, is further cheating. The MC got a job as a newbie mechanic, not a multi-million-dollar Fortune 500 CEO position. If your wife cheats so that you don't lose your job at the AutoZone, uh, she needs to go, unless of course, you're into that.

Don't listen to nafig he's negative about everything but he still sticks around even tho he's said several times how he doesn't like the story
He's ( nafig ) actually right about this.

In my playthrough, the MC never cheats, yet the wife does repeatedly--she admits it to the MC. Just because you're being "blackmailed" over previous cheating doesn't make your capitulation somehow any less adulterous. She could have said no, but she didn't. If she believed she was raped, she could have gone to the police. Even if they'd do nothing as the game suggests, it would demonstrate to her husband the severity of what she was going through. She'd then have an excuse to immediately break her employment contract, with a nice fat civil lawsuit pending. Instead, she continued cheating so her husband wouldn't find out about her previous cheating. And, not only did she support the MC's mother working at the camp, she told her mother-in-law that she wasn't sure she wanted to leave even after admitting everything to her husband and promising she would quit.

Also, the MC warned her that they were potentially using drugs to lower women's inhibitions at the camp, and yet she tried them anyway. If a woman drinks, lowers her inhibitions, has sex with someone voluntarily, is that rape, particularly if the person she had sex with was likewise intoxicated? If a man drinks, lowers his inhibitions, has sex with someone voluntarily, is that rape, particularly if the person he had sex with was likewise intoxicated? I've had sex with people I probably wouldn't have otherwise because I was high and/or drunk. Had I been in a relationship, that would still be cheating. Substance abuse is actually a problem within the gay community for people who can't come to terms with their sexuality. They indulge with the intention to lower their inhibitions to allow themselves to commit acts they wouldn't otherwise. Then they tell themselves that they aren't gay, it was just the drugs or alcohol. I don't doubt that people of all types use this method to create excuses, justifications, etc. and the wife here might be no different. Only she's doing it to step out on her husband. It's hard to draw any other conclusion because it keeps happening even after the MC forgives her. What's crazy is for her to think that after she's admitted to cheating at the camp, and for cheating to keep the MC employed/get a better job (which incidentally, an argument could be made that this transaction provided her financial benefit thus justifying the 'whore' moniker) that the MC should be willing and eager to instantly make love to her again. That sort of betrayal, even if it could be forgiven, would take time to reconcile and the wife would have to be an idiot not to realize that.

Oh wait, I almost forgot, everybody in this game is a moron....

eta: nafig's name for clarity
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Sep 19, 2021
A hypocritical creature, pretending to be a "wife", voluntarily, without drugs and coercion, betrays her husband. She voluntarily, without doubts and regrets, but with joy and pleasure fucks with emigrants and her husband's boss. She voluntarily comes home from work every evening and kisses her husband with lips from which emigrants' sperm still drips and does it with pleasure. With these lips, every day, she LIES to her husband about her love. She voluntarily ruins her husband's life, she doesn't give a shit about him, for a hypocritical creature it is more important to maintain the fake status of "wife" and the false imitation of family relations.

She DESERVES the crap she's drowning in and doesn't deserve any help from her husband. He shouldn't save her, he should throw her out of his life, grab some popcorn and watch the hypocritical creature drown in her own shit.
My ideal ending. In the immigrant camp there is a bed, the "wife" is tied to it with her legs behind her head. All the immigrants fuck this traitor in all holes without stopping, Autumn and MC's mother, with the help of various tools, also fuck her. The husband forgot about the hypocritical creature who betrayed him and lives a normal life. This is the reward she deserved.
Um, I want to play THIS game!!!


Sep 19, 2021
From my perspective, all Samuel has done since the beginning is manipulate, lie, threaten and finally blackmail. I'm pretty sure he even tried being nice somewhere in between. As fucked up as the scripts are, who's to say those photos weren't taken after he threatened her the first time? Clearly she doesn't approve of what happened. Until we see her thoughts for ourselves, it's always going to be speculation.

Some of you are almost starting to sound like the idiot husband. Learning she was raped and then thinking, "Well, maybe she enjoyed it?. B-B-But, wouldn't that still be cheating?." HAHA!

It absolutely would be, if she did it again. And she does.

As for Samuil, he's probably the best character of the game. He's honest about his intentions with the wife, the MC, and the MC's mom. He told the wife what he wanted. He told her that smoking would relax her and make her feel better, reduce her anxiety. He gave the wife a choice and she chose him. With all the simpletons in this game, Samuil stands out as a decently written character. He's a villain, sure, but I'm rooting for him to 'win'!


Sep 19, 2021
It is difficult to talk to a person who has no family. But I will try again. A woman is a reflection of her man.
She is beautiful if you are beautiful in relation to her. Look at your woman and understand who you are. I did not want to, but I will give you one episode from my life. We began to quarrel more often, I lost hope and thought that soon we would get divorced, but then I decided to act. After all, I got the most beautiful woman of all on earth.
I began to shower her with flowers, kisses and compliments. I gave her gifts and lived for her. I talked in public only about her. You will not believe it - she blossomed. I did not even know that she could love THIS way.
And I realized one thing: a woman is a reflection of a man. If you love her madly, she will become this madness.
What the fuck is happening....


New Member
Nov 26, 2023
He told her that smoking would relax her and make her feel better, reduce her anxiety. He gave the wife a choice and she chose him.
Yes, he did do that. He then sexually assaulted her. Just because she agreed to have a smoke, doesn't mean she agreed to anything else. Or in your world does having a drink with someone mean fucking them in the ass is the next logical, and acceptable step? And who cares what they say about it, they agreed to have a drink so fuck em, they knew what they were getting into.
3.20 star(s) 59 Votes