Others - Abandoned - A World Adrift [v0.0.2.65] [LutholianDev]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    There is not much to do except repeat repeat repeat and read the same text again and again and again. Even the text is boring.

    After beeing kicked out of the city there is only the camp and the forest to visit. Development is zero. You can pick up items sometimes but what for ? You cannot see the items because there is no gfx. The sex scenes are mostly "kiss him/her" or "touch his/her hair "except sometimes you can do more if you change the position but it makes no difference because you cannot see anything and it's only text.
    You can also skip the sex scenes because they mean nothing and then you can only repeat explore the forest again and again where there are sometimes random encounters. You can explore your camp area but will find nothing else after you found the forest.
    If you like endless loops with always the same boring text then play it. Otherwise ignore it just like i will do after this review.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the worst games I've ever had the misfortune of playing. Basically an HTML game with some of the worst sex I've ever seen. Sex scenes are interactable and basically dumbed down to, I fuck her pussy and she moans. Vice versa with no depth of writing. Waste of time until they add actual depth and content.