The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...
(12/19/2017 - Original Review - v0.03)
This is another corruption visual novel/game that includes the whole family sex thing... There are so many of these types of games/vn's coming out, and this one has a similar feel to the backstory of Harem Villa, with the whole demon giving the protagonist corruption abilities shtick...
Visually the characters look ok, yet I get a feeling I've seen a very similar character model for the mom in another VN i tried, but just can't remember which one... The backdrops are not unique in this one, as I've seen a majority of them in other VN/Games by other authors... There are glitches when being presented with any semi-animations, where the screen flashes before playing them...
The script is ok, with a bit of dialogue/monologue filling the introduction prior to the corruption game, but the theme is a very familiar one... At a few moments, now and then, I also felt that the story had several flaws in it's presentation... As an example, when the protagonist tells his best friend about the whole demon ability thing, the friend just outright believes him, without question or thinking it's a joke... That is either very suspicious, or not very believable... Any normal person, even a best friend, would at least in some way question the sanity of such a proclamation, before trying to trust what they are saying was true... The script just feels sort of rushed in some cases, as if the author/s didn't put very much thought into the story progression, or didn't put much thought into having things make total sense... It was sort of like adding story filler to appear more VN like, without thinking about continuity or immersion...
There are also issues with how story progression works, that pretty much hurts the immersion... So basically, once the corruption game begins you can visit folks to interact with them, not many choices work for the moment since they are still under construction, but you can do corruption once per day... Once their corruption is high enough, you have a choice that sais literally "mom story" or "sister story" etc, which actually progresses the story with that character... And you are not clued in on if the corruption is high enough, so you have to press the story buttons each day as well, to see if the corruption is high enough to progress...This in turn takes away from the experience, by presenting progression in that fashion... Some other means should have been used to allow the story to progress, or it should be automatic, or something other than what is currently being used... Plus, because the story progression is extremely linear at the moment, to push the main story you have a similar choice labeled 'Continue the main story', while the protagonist is in his bedroom (again not knowing if it is time to progress or not, because if you progress it too early you'll miss prior scenes)... I'm hoping these current mechanics are place holders, because they are very clunky, and totally immersion breaking...
Overall this VN tries to have a main plot (the demon giving the protagonist corruption abilities for his soul) with a backdrop that someone else is also looking for the book, that the protagonist got his ability from... But the execution is poor quality, even though they did attempt to put dialogue/monologue with some basic story elements... In the end, this VN is looking less like an erotic VN and more like another Corruption/Domination porn game, following practically the same pattern as a lot of other games of the same ilk...
It is still very early in it's development, but I can tell already what road it's heading down, even with it's clunky progression system... Perhaps I might revisit this one way further down the road, but I dunno at this moment, because I'm not all that impressed with it's current state, and the fact it seems a lot like a copy cat game, with only slight differences in the story from others out there...
(03/24/2018 - Review Update - v0.06)
Well it's been over 3 months since the last version of this game I played... There is still some minor proofreading needed to fix the spelling/grammar errors in the introduction... As well as a mix up with the mother saying some dialogue, but the sisters name showing, just once... There is also an error when doing the BJ scene with the sister again, near the end of the sequence... Which you can ignore, but it still pops up every time...
There hasn't been a huge amount of content added to this game over the 3 month period... The sister corruption line is done and there are few minor quick events in the living room, and some small alterations to the introduction, but that is about the extent of it... I'm surprised so little content gets released with each update, as I read the release notes...
The game is still a grind of the same menu's over and over again before moving a particular story forward... At this point I'm guessing it will be this game's style going forward... The developers have even stopped adding animations with the newer content... As the content still just involves the 2 characters, and still one (the mother) is only partially done, I wonder why it is so slow to develop?
I hope the developers are not trying to milk money form their donating supporters... But it wouldn't be the first time I've seen that occur in this genre... Only time will really tell... I really see no reason to continue to revisit this game, as it is taking far too long to develop with extremely small updates... At this pace it would take years for it to complete, as it hasn't even touched on any other characters or even outside the home yet, in all this time...