RPGM - Completed - Abyss of Twisted Fates R-18 [Final] [Mys]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This was an interesting one to play I feel like this game has alot of good and bad going for it and makes me feel if the artist touched up some stuff this could be good.

    I start with the art which is just plain old good if your a fan of how sao looks you will feel right at home with this one and even the h scenes look like something the original creator of sao would do so credit to the person who did the art.

    Next the story which has a focus on Eydis a character from sao rising steel who is currently on a search for her sister and then there is original character Cecilia who shares a role as one of the playable characters. And this story starts off with a pretty cool intro but falls off with some pretty cringe writing.

    But of all the things that make me feel the most mixed is the combat because it's combat is very unique and feels like a breath of fresh air for how typical rpg maker combat goes. I'll start by explaining the combat there are essential 3 ways of hurting your enemies one way is by using magic which I found the most useful and satisfying to do, the second way is using tp which is typically less effective but you can gain tp by getting hit or hitting the enemies and the third way just regular melee /charge attacks which use stamina.And yes you heard me right this game has a stamina system because this game combat isn't turn based. Which brings us to one of my problems how slow movement is because of the stamina system since your regular attacks and SPRINT are tied to the same bar making you damned if you put auto run on but super sluggish if you don't. And you guys are probably thinking why not just us magic or tp well while those are strong tools you only have a limited amount of mp and tp as well as potions that refill it early on. And you guys are also probably thinking well it isn't a problem since it's only the beginning but that's were you are wrong because the beginning is honestly the most bs/hardest part of the game. Let me explain your first real battle is with a fairly strong character in sao and since that's the case this character can freeze which you can do anything about burns you and does a barrage of attacks which makes it extremely difficult to win on top of that this character can heal themselves. One thing I made use of to cheese the boss is to use ice magic to freeze them and healing magic since it's only 5mp out of about 305. Honestly if I weren't so stubborn I would have just given up which I imagine alot of players have done which is disappointing because this game gest considerably more easy since you get more mp bottles and are able to which between your characters during battle.

    Final thoughts-
    Honestly I can't really recommend anyone play this game unless they are patient and even then you only have about 15 scenes( although they look pretty damn good). But if the creator were to make the first battle easier and touch up the writing in this game or future project I think we could have something really promising with it's unique combat and nice art
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I... don't even know where to start with this one. When people talk about the stereotypical "bad" RPGMaker games, this is what they refer to.

    To its own merit, it is set during the Underworld arc, rather then the SAO/Alfheim arc that the vast majority of SAO fan works get set in. So that was neat. And also probably the only good thing I have to say about it. I guess the art is good? Very faithful to the original. All, you know, 5 CGs of it.

    The story is just all over the place. A nonstop sequence of things just happening, characters appearing, going places, and sex, all at nigh complete random. Its the definition of whiplash. This is all not at all helped by english that is legible, but miserably structed. It does nothing to make sense of the chaos that is occurring.

    As for the gameplay, its garbage. Plain and simple garbage. Hot garbage, even. Feels like someone took the action RPG plugin, slapped that bad boy in here, and called it a day. Combat is clunky as hell while still being piss easy, and can be cheesed with zero effort since you have spells to restore your HP and MP infinitely. Maps are colossal with nothing in them, the absolute worst thing in RPGMaker, and "puzzles" are thoughtless wandering to find switches. This is made even worse by the fact that sprinting, an RPGM standard, consumes a completely tacked on stamina meter, making even the act of getting around a chore. You do the exact same thing over and over across several nearly identical dungeons, fighting identical enemies and functionally identical bosses until the end.

    I played this shit so you don't have to. You're welcome.

    Addendum: the scenes you do get are decent in a vacuum, but between their scarcity and how tacked on they feel, if does absolutely nothing to warrant spending your time playing it.