VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Accidental Assignment [v1.0] [Cainito Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the story. It was certainly a unique spin on being a secret agent... that is, to portray an MC who presumably isn't very good at the wet work but is more of a charmer. In fairness, that's half the job. James Bond wasn't just an operator, he was a smooth operator. All of the emphasis on smooth, and that is our MC in a nutshell.

    My only real issue with this is that it feels like it got cut very short. H-scenes are short--and few, only two in the game and both are on a single path--story is short, actual LIs are more or less cut out at the last minute because of reasons. For instance, the VN is tracking several variables for the different women in the game (five in all), but in the end only one variable matters. See, the MC is revealed to be reusing a previous name (your choice of name) by his handler, and he's a little confused by that. Turns out the MC has done his homework and realizes he has no choice... an old flame is an employee of his latest assignment, so he has to revisit the alias. Well, suddenly history is important and it's up to the MC whether to revisit it.

    The one variable that matters?

    Yeah, that is your choice of whether the MC resumes his relationship from before the story with that LI. You can stack all the points you want with other LIs, they don't mean a thing. If you pick back up from where he left off, the MC will let his assignment know he's resigning from his job (his real job) to take his second chance at love. Otherwise, the MC will lean into what appears to be the beginning of a relationship with the assignment.

    So yeah, I feel like I have to take off a star for the abrupt ending. A solid 4-star effort.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game revolves around a secret agent who infiltrates a company as the new Project Manager to ensure that the CEO is safe. You're basically told at the beginning of the game that this is an easy assignment and that your secret agency company says that the CEO is not in danger. You are hired by the CEO's overprotective father. For the most part, the game starts off on this interesting premise as you get to know the workers of this small start up company. The title screen heavily implies that there are at least 4 love interests to choose from. Unfortunately, the developers making this shut down and decided to create a rushed ending instead of flat out abandoning the game. There is only really one sex scene and you can only end the game in a possible romance with the CEO love interest. I will say that I love the dramatic irony on the end with the MC looking directly at the player (while also looking at the CEO) saying that they're truly sorry that this didn't work out; pretty much an homage to us, the player, that they shut down and created a rushed project. Unfortunately, as is, it's a pretty bad erotic game but it's a mediocre short secret agent story.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm sad to have to rate this with three-stars, but given how it ended.

    The story, while not horribly original, was well done, the characters looked great, and I liked the softer edges in the renders.
    All in all, this game would at least get four-stars from me, but it ended prematurely and as such, while we get SOME closure, it's of course neither what we players wanted nor what the devs wanted.

    I don't blame them, they have to make a living and if the game doesn't earn them enough for that, it's understandable that they needed to end it and find something different.
    Completely understanding that reasoning on my part, but that still leaves us with a game, where only one of the possible relationships saw some development, one got like the most basic ending possible and the rest was just left out entirely.
    Due to that, there is just no way to rate this higher than a three.
    I honestly need to advise people not to play the game, because you WILL be disappointed with the endings.
    It's sad, the game was good and had a lot of potential, but it will never be realized and as such I don't think it's worth playing.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Theme and story was very good, but this is demo and have very small chance for full version. Even its short i hope in very fast and was courious about story later on, i was very sadly surprised how short it is.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game/vn had some potential. The story was a little clumsy, but it started out kind of humorous, with the MC being some kind of mediocre spy, but that angle kind of went away. All the girls seemed original in looks and personality, and the story, while nothing super original, was well written and on the right track.

    It's unfortunate it had to end suddenly, but 90% of these devs are barely making any money on these and they are not easy to do. Take it from a failed developer who quickly realized the time commitment necessary to crank one of these out.

    So yes, the ending was rushed, but I appreciated the message and the effort. I will be keeping my eye out for this developer in the future.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a rushed game. It was thought to be longer but in the end, they rushed it and it is what is it.

    The original idea was good but in the end, I do not recommend this game because it is incomplete
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I can honestly still give it a 3, even though there were very few sex scenes, and only with one female, and the game lasted maybe a whole 5 minutes before the standard rushed ending that so many devs turn to.
    It still gets a 3 because the story, as it is, is still half way decent, and the renders are nice.
    If you like short games and disappointing endings, this is your game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I imagine it like a Lil Jon song that kind of tricks you in the end. The beat comes in and it's kinda catchy. "It definitely has some potential," you think to yourself. You start bobbing your head to it, waiting for it to get going. Then Lil Jon comes in and starts ad libbing over the beat - "Yeah!" "What?" "Okay!" - and your anticipation builds up some more. You're just waiting for the drop and for him to launch into the first verse. Then at like 53 seconds into the song, it just ends. It's kind of like that.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    well game had potential on graphic and storywise but it wasn't meant to become full length game.

    game has somewhat original story, characters player meets are unique personalities, game has it's funny moments.

    like said game had everything needed to become successful but it wasn't meant so but still what there is is worth to play.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This looks like a really cool VN. The story seems to be very unique and i like this double life where you have the normal office stuff but also the promise of action and excitement due to MC being a spy.
    The looks here arent the best (maybe 6 or 7 out of 10 if games like summers gone is 10) but it definetly looks good enough and the women are beautiful. The sex scenes arent animated but fit well enough into the story as far as i can tell. There isnt an instant running ot the MC to have sex by all ladies who meet him. Instead the only scenes so far are with your former girlfriend if you decide to rekindle the relationship which makes sense.
    The choices so far seem to only impact your relationships and not really the gameplay overall well have to wait and see how that evolves.
    The conversations are nicely written and the characters do seem to have a personality. Theres also some humor and pop-culture references which is always nice to see.
    So overall the only things i dont like so much are that there is no sound and the fact that the dev uses 3rd person to speak about MC when hes not talking instead of first. I think it should feel like you are the MC and therefore its better to use the first person. But apart from that i think this is a great VN and im definetly looking forward to where this is going.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    At this moment (V0.3) there is not a whole lot of content, but for what is already there it looks quite promising.

    The characters look really good and do have a decent personality to them, they are definitely not bland. However, I do think it would be wise to include thoughts to this game to give the characters more depth but also to create more tension for the player.

    The sex scene in the game was pretty good, but aslo quite short. I think it should have a couple more positions as this supossedly was a very meaningful moment.

    I think normally I would normally give a game like this four stars, but it really deserves more attention so hopefully this 5 star rating will help a little with that/
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Story it seems going to a interesting direction but we need to wait for more updates to see the progress. Renders are good but for Caroline is kinda weird because seems animated and its different from the others. Certain choices can lead to different scenes and others seems that dont affect that much but hope the dev implement more impactfull choices to make the story more ineteresting. Needs to have sound and music because doesnt have for now. The game has potential to be very good, hope the dev picks up the feedback that players give and implement them and hope the dev doesnt loose himself in the story.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Developers laid the ground work for something that could be a really nice little game.
    Has a lot of promise - Good Writing, Nice Renders, Flowing Story that keeps the player/reader interest.

    I'm looking forward to the next installment...

    Keep up the good work!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this game has a promising story. The premis and use of the MC being a spy is unique and executed well, the setting is Office Themed which I like, there is variety in how the girls look and all look very hot and the plot started out good.

    I have one "valid" point I of criticism (and also prais because once it was done rather well ableit short) and two personal "problems" up to now.
    The first and most important one. Sex or erotic scenes. In my play through of v0.2 there were 3 instances of "erotics". MC kissed Jessica, MC and Jessica got handsy in the office, MC and JEssica had sex in the last scene. The effect those had on me are not like one might expect. I found the "touching tights in the office" scene the most arousing one of them. This was, because the scene itself was done very well in my opinion and I got enough out of it, because of the following aspects. We got a power dynamic: the MC was very dominant in that he exerted power over Jessica. We got a very nice setting: Sexy stuff in the office is a no go, the stakes were raised and the danger of discovery added to the atmosphere. We got personal feelings, thoughts and goals: This is probably one of the most underrated and under utalised aspect of erotic writing I very much miss in VNs these days. We got a very nervous Jessica that is worried and agitated but cannot do anything about it. This adds to the setting and power dynamic, she is "helpless" but kinda likes it but doesnt want to admit it. So she is also "conflicted". The MC is enjoying himself, he likes to make her feel and do things. Because he is a spy, he knows the setting and realizes that the threat of discovery is non existant. So he abuses his position of superior knowledge to his advantage. And we get his thought about it, he liked to be "sadistic" in that way. I though all this translated very well to me as a player. What I'd wish was there to add more to it would have been some images of just the faces, mimic is very telling, maybe a quick bite on the lips, something subtle. And some more thoughts from Jessica, since we already know she is in distress, maybe add something akin to "I can't belief he just did that" and "why does his touch feels like back then... agh no girl, get your act together, this isn't happening" would have been appreciated. Compared to the sex scene in the end, I liked it way better. In the sex scene in the end we essentially did "only" get visual stimulation, and not much of it at that. This comparison has no "bad intention" but I just googled "naked girl sex" and on images I see like 30 pictured of naked girls having sex. I dont want to count the renders but I'm pretty sure we didnt get 30 images of a naked girl having sex. So in my opinion, more is better. That might go more into the realm of an objective truth than a criticsm, so what I actually wanted to say was: In the sex scene we only got visual stimulation that wasnt really complemented by sensual/erotical writing. We"just" got some dialogue like "oh yes I want you so much" "Ahhh" "I'm cumming" . While I agree, yes those lines absolutely belong in sex scenes, they are very shallow and dare I say, expected and not impactful. To get back to why I liked the "hands on tights" scene and what I missed in the sex scene. We didnt get any real thoughts, goals or motives from Jessica or the MC. We didnt get any hints about their state of being: things like in control, conflicted (because of what might happen afterwards), extasy because they know each other so well etc. Since the setting was her bedroom, maybe adress the senses some more. Add a couple of lines that adress smell (maybe there is parfume or a candle involved) and something cute like its very tidy and clean. Also a very important thing I noticed, I like to expierence Vns on auto, since I preferably use my hands for other things than clicking, the time it took from the "up and down shots" of Jess to the cum shot was around 3minutes50 seconds to exactly 4minutes, in that ball park. So accorind to PornHub stats people on average spend 9min55sec on PornHub. So if the dev intents this game to be realistic masturbational material I'd say there nedds to be at least 3x to 4x more descriptive text during sex scenes.

    This first lets say "personal problem" I have with many VNs is that they really take their time to establish a hook that grabs my interest. I downloaded this from F95zone after I read the Tags and Short Description. So I have two lines of expectations. First: I get erotic content because its an adult VN. I mean thas why I'm here in the first place and not on PornHub.
    Secondly, based on the descriptipn: I get a spy MC who "infiltrates" a rich girl in her office and does sexy, probably inapropriate things to her.
    There is this equation: happyness or disapointment = expectation - reality.
    I expect erotic content and I expect that erotic content to be done in an office setting. I got me an office setting but the erotic content I got was not in the office setting. So this kinda leaves me "disappointed". This line of thinking is my line of thinking and should not be taken as criticism, its not my story to tell but to experience, I just didnt have as good of a time experiencing it as I thought I'd had. But what I can constructively cirticise is this: I do lots of reading, I'm writing a bachelor thesis at the moment. Reading is not always fun. Reading about hings that I care are more fun. Naked girls are very much fun. If you give a reason to care about what I read, I probably wont hit skip. A very easy way to do that is by givig me images of a naked girl. This story even has a perfetly fine excuse to do so. The MC is a spy. If you'd given me some naked shots of the females of the office and maybe some naughty stuff while you're at it while the MC reads their files, you know cuz he is a spy, I tzhink I would've been more invested.

    The second "personal problem" of mine and the dev should absolutely disregard that because its about design and that is something that shouldnt be changed (in my eyes at least), because a person on the internet is "whining" about it. That said, I hate the fact that the game tracks points based on how you answer questions and act without giving you a hint about it. You get an a_point (points for Ashley) depending on how you answer the first question she asks you about the job interview. I personally think its absurd that a person would change their attitude towards another based on how a question about a job interview gets answered and based on that might or might not want to sleep with them. I alaways think about it like this. Yeah we went on 2 dates they were great, we kissed, it was awsome but because he directly instead of indirectly answered my first question at the job interview I'm not gonna have sex with him even tho I am very horny. So I appreaciate it if choices like that are a thing, that players know about them. But like I said, this is more a personal problem than real criticism, I just change all the variables to 99 in every game I play anyway.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 396172

    My Impression for this game : very interesting

    ★ Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Story : ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ renders : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Animations: ------
    ★ Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Girls physique : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Graphic : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Sex Content : ------
    ★ Creativity :✭✭✭✭✰

    Note :
    Promising game , definitely should try it .

    I get little bored about office job dialogues :ROFLMAO:
    but important information ;)

    ◉ All the best to the developer .
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For me 5 stars (currently v0.1), here is why:

    - intriguing, refreshing story, I felt no urge to skip dialogs
    - believable, interesting characters
    - very beautiful, unique character models
    - credible office setting

    I like it very much that it's a new, creative story , not a common "MC living with 2 girls" one like several other games. Hope this gets the support it earns (imho) as I would like see the story develop.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Sprinkled with comedy and mystery count me in :love:

    Nice and interesting premise. Story is fresh. Nice renders and beautiful models. Dev's other games is also good. It's short not a have deep story. But this will be different. Beacause this one got a nice. For a demo version this one got fair amount of gameplay. Seems like it is a slowburn that's a pig plus for me. Dev said it's vanilla. I'm a vanilla lover. Hoping dev won't abandon this project.

    This one is worth playing. Hopes dev will keep this current pace
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders were well done.

    I appreciated the use of either custom, or far less frequently used, 3D models/figures.

    The story was well told with a little humor, a little foreshadowing, and an interesting plot.

    I look forward to see what this story will become.